> What was the ice age?

What was the ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not the movie, but event that occured before the Agricultural Revolution.

Hello Sherley,

There tends to be some confusion when people talk about ‘ice-ages’ but I think what you’re referring to is a period of time known as the Little Ice Age.

From around the year 1150 through to 1750 there was a very gradual decline in the average global temperature, the most pronounced effects being felt in Europe. During this time the temperature fell by 0.55°C. Over the short-term this wasn’t enough to have much of an impact on global climates but over several centuries the effect builds up.

This fall in the temperature came about due to a reduction in the amount of heat energy being radiated by the Sun. There were three occasions when solar activity declined and they peaked in approx 1350, 1550 and 1750 and are respectively known as the Wolf, Sporer and Maunder Minima. Each event was progressively more pronounced.

The first decline in solar activity – the Wolf Minimum - generally marks the start of the Little Ice Age, it lasted for some 500 years until about 1850. The most pronounced cooling occurred in the 18th century.

Although the 0.55°C fall in temperatures may not seem like a lot, the effects were widespread and damaging. Crops failed consistently and there was widespread hunger, streams and rivers that people relied on for their water froze.

Are we talking about the one that did infact give us the sabre tooth, giant sloth, and the wooly mammoth?

After a volcanic eruption that devastated the dinosaurs, the atmoshpere was filled with soot and debris from the volcano. This blocked sunlight from reaching the earth for quite some time, killing everything and reducing the temperature substantially, globally. The sun couldn't get through to keep vegetation alive, or keep the planet and its wildlife warm and fed.

Once everything settled an the sunlight returned to earth, the ice age we know of was allowed to begin. Evolution at work.

The 'little ice age' was just a slightly cooler period. The Thames used to freeze over, for example.

There have been several proper ice ages over the last half a million years.

When the volcanic eruption and metros killed the dinosaurs. The dust covered the Earth and blocked away sunlight. then the world fully turned into Antarctica. But still,new lifeforms emerged like the mammoth and saber tooth that we know

The earth was covered with ice

Seriously? -.- What grade are you in..

Not the movie, but event that occured before the Agricultural Revolution.