> What are some effects of deforestation?

What are some effects of deforestation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just want to know more effects of deforestation.

- Less living space for animals

- No more trees means that less CO2 is converted through oxygen through photosynthesis.

- Forests provide cooler temperatures and more humid climates, so cutting it will turn the area into a dry and insufferably warm desert.

- In some areas, it causes landslides because the roots of the trees hold the soil from eroding and slipping from the side of a mountain for example.

one of the greatest consequenses would be the fact that the areas would be inhospitable for animals like insects that needs the trees, or any animal that has the forest as their natural habitat. also untouched people living in the rainforest risks losing their homes, food sources and so on. I am shure there are other effects too.

Soil erosion, reduced duiversity, and, if the deforestation is extensive enough, measurable reduction in precipitation

Not only are we killing animals but TONS of current medicine comes from sources in the rain forest which is being chopped down at alarming rates. Its terrible

Less trees and less anacondas. More people working. Less diseases. More money given to the UN to stop it, which they won't do. More crying for no real cause by greenies. More movie stars doing PSAs against deforestation. Greenies are happy to have a cause. Less places to make Tarzan movies.Better living standard for natives. Sewerage treatment where there was none before.

Just look at what's going on in Haiti

Just want to know more effects of deforestation.