> What's the biggest lie? (scientific)?

What's the biggest lie? (scientific)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What do you think the biggest scientific lie told by promoters of agw theory is?

There are a lot.

1) AGW is a fact! 95% of scientists agree!

2) Our tiny contribution of a natural compound is rapidly warming the earth!

3) There is absolutely no evidence that global warming does not exist!

4) James Hansen and Al Gore are extremely reliable!

5) An Inconvienent Truth was a factual documentary!

6) Warm weather proves global warming is real!

7) The polar bears are endangered because of global warming!

8) Antarctic ice is decreasing!

9) The sun couldn't possibly cause warming!

10) Riding your bicycle will make a huge difference on the climate!

11) Cap & Trade based on a theory involving a harmless natural compound is a terrific idea!

12) If you don't believe in the global warming theory, you are denying science!

13) We are causing warming on mars! (the weirdest one i've heard)

14) Politicians and scientists don't prosper from the global warming theory!

15) There is more money in debunking global warming! (uhh....sure. that totally makes sense.)

16) 2012 was one of the warmest years, this without a doubt proves global warming exists!

17) The hockey stick chart was a reliable piece of data!

18) The earth is currently warming at a rapid rate!

19) Natural causes cannot explain the climate for the past decade!

I don't know, I could go on for hours but I think you've got the point.

Ironically I think very few people have given a scientific lie (a consensus is not scientific).

If scientific evidence was found to be false (untrue) then the evidence would be dismissed.

Believe the Himalaya study reported in the previous (current) IPCC report was found to be erroneous, and reference to the study was therefore removed from the amended report (however the initial report included the information). This however wasn't a "lie", instead incorrect information from a study.

The whole purpose of science is verifying research and evidence. Only if data was "created" and/or falsified would it be classified as a 'lie' in science. I am unaware of any such scientific lies.

The greatest falsity by the promoters of AGW theory is that there is a unified front on the very firm, rock solid scientific reality that 'AGW is the sole cause of any warming'. Irregardless of whether the IPCC, global scientific Organisations, and global governments endorse 'AGW as the sole cause of warming' the fact remains that dissenters exist within the scientific community. These dissenters are relentlessly shouted down by activist groups within AGW whose sole objective is to convert all without question. Dissenters are falsely labelled as denialists or whatever derogatory term can be thrown at them by these AGW activists. It is this constant abuse directed toward any questioning or dissent that exposes the disunity. Consequently, any unified claims about the science can only be viewed as false. So this falsity would be the greatest lie of all from the AGW camp IMO.

It is overwhelming that the IPCC, global scientific Organisations, and global governments endorse AGW as the sole cause of warming'. Usually science has a far more wide ranging view toward research to explain possibilities associated with the uncertainty. Extreme arrogance is one way to describe how all these entities make such an overwhelming claim about the existing research, particularly when so much uncertainty prevails around knowledge and processes associated with natural causes of temperature fluctuation. To question this uncertainty only ignites extreme abuse from activist groups within the AGW advocates which goes agains the very foundation of scientific research. So for me, by far the greatest lie with AGW theory is that science is unified about it.

As evidenced below, the activists have down arrowed this post extensively. For what reason? Simply stating that dissent exists and that the science is not unified. How is it ever going to be possible to communicate a positive message about climate/temperature with this sort of childish behaviour from the AGW activists? Anything contrary to total acceptance of the AGW cause is abused in whatever way possible.

Al Gore's Co2 warming graph, depicted to show temperatures rising with atmospheric Co2 levels, when the Co2 actually lagged 800 yrs behind the temperature, not the other way around.

Global warming raises Co2 levels through the warmer oceans not being able to dissolve as much Co2 as normal.

Co2 is not causing any supposed man made Global Warming!

The idea that scientists as a group are lying about what's going on.

This attempt to put science in the same level of truthfulness as politics is probably the greatest disservice the denialists have done mankind.

Free Energy is not a myth.

The biggest lie is told by denialists, but it's not really scientific

That they understand the mechanisms that determine climate well enough to successfully model it.

I'm going to go with the "Hockey Stick". It's an embarrassment to science. Only deniers would continue to call it good science.

What do you think the biggest scientific lie told by promoters of agw theory is?

Well the biggest lie associated with AGW is that man made global warming doesn't exist. That is the only actual lie I am aware of

The lie was started and promoted by corporate heads of oil and coal decades ago and they preyed on the weak minded and those who are easily led around by their nose to spread the lie to others who were weak minded and so on until here we are today with DA deniers who don't even realize where their denier philosophy came from. In addition they are clueless about AGW

there is no such thing as a scientific lie

if it's a lie it isn't scientific

learn more; http://ncse.com/climate

That they can accurately tell what the global temperature was over 100 years ago. Mikey Mann goes even further by saying that with one tree he can say within +- 0.05 C what the average global temp was.

That we should give credence to the scientists whose studies are funded by the petroleum industry.

the biggest lie is..that the president is white

everything about the agw hypothesis is a lie

Liberals like science.

That there is only a handfull of scientists who disagree with the agw consesus.


That Co2 drives climate change and that it is a dangerous gas. The Warm-mongers have deliberately lied to us, some of the top warmest so called "scientists" were exposed in 2009 for their lies and deceit, they were actively hiding the decline of temperatures around the world. This is known as ClimateGate.

I agree with the Czech President Vaclav Klaus that environmentalism is a threat to our freedom.

That all scientists agree. Their consensus is as phoney as their cause.

The debate is over, man made global warming is proven.

CO2 causes a rise in temperature.