> What are the current issues in global warming?

What are the current issues in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Please include Philippines if possible.

Regarding Philippines Typhoon Haiyan, known as Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, was a powerful tropical cyclone that devastated portions of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, on November 8, 2013. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon on record, killing at least 6,201 people in that country alone. Haiyan is also the strongest storm recorded at landfall, and unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed. As of January, 2014, bodies are still being found..

I have added some links [2,3] for you...

Well I live in the Philippines and I have noticed no warming, sometimes it gets really hot here, but then again it always did that.

Even if there is warming it will effect the tropics least as during the holocene optimum (the last big warm period) temperatures at the poles increased by an estimated 4C while at the tropics just under 1C global warming will effect temperate climates most

1 pic = 1000 words

The globe warms and cools on its own. AGW is an agenda driven fraud.

Please include Philippines if possible.