> What are some good arguments within the argument of global warming?

What are some good arguments within the argument of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Side of AGW is scam.

1. Has never been proven that there is a correlation between temperature and CO2 levels. There is no science to prove the theory. The correlations that Al Gore presented has proven wrong.

2. Proponents have been caught lying and corrupting data just too many times.


3. Too many scientists disagree with the theory.

Quote by Will Harper, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”


Interesting article you have linked to there Pindar. The main arguments however are none of the main issues I have heard for explaining anthropogenic global warming though.

However, with any good argument the point is to pick points that can be argued and ignore the points that disprove your argument.

Skeptical science actually argue quite succiently and nicely the points raised in your link Pindar (so you should have a read of them, as the AGW response on your link isn't the actual arguments put forward by that site ... again the paper has decided upon the AGW response so that they can respond, whilst ignoring any comments that are valid to their argument). I would argue Skeptical Science do this to less of a degree as they have more questions and answers (details).

The only problem with the argument of Pindar's link is that the premise for the science is for "power" and "money" ... when the power and money definitely suggests the science should be saying the exact opposite (remember 7 out of the top 10 businesses in the world are oil and gas/car companies).

I think the best point Pindar's link provides for the argument is the "uncertainties". Although NASA provide a more objective summary of them than that link http://climate.nasa.gov/uncertainties/

There argument about thermometers in Pindar's link I would counter with the argument that anomalies are used in modelling surface temperatures, not actual measurements (and it is the temperature anomalie that is increasing). As I said though they focus their AGW argument on what they want to argue.

That's too simplistic a debate for a complex argument. There are many levels to the debate, including:

Is global warming (or whatever we're supposed to call it) happening?

Is what appears to be happening unusual or a cyclical event?

If it's unusual (in terms of earth history) to what extent is human activity involved?

If it's unusual (whether or not man-made) what could we do to control it?

Even if you start from an assumption that global warming is partly or totally due to human activity, there's no consensus on what to do. What's driving CO2 emissions is the rising population and economic growth in Asia, but is anyone proposing to stop that? How about eating less meat to conserve crops and reduce methane emissions - not much sign of that either. The only schemes that get any government backing are those that involve massive subsidies for pointless wind turbines etc, because someone can make a load of money.

How can we argue that this is natural?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, this is a well established scientific fact, without greenhouse gases the earth would be a giant snowball. We (humans) are digging huge amounts of fossil fuels and dumping the waste product of the combustion into the atmosphere we all share. As a result concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have gone up by 40% since the start of the industrial age.

To date there has been no credible claim that disputes the above facts and the arguments against are about religion, (god has his hand on the thermostat) economics (taxes, carbon trading, or making the dumping of CO2 into the commons outright illegal) and sily politics, (ALL Gore is saying it is true and since he is a Liberal, it is not true)

Quotes by Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) :

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA"

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!"

I recommend you spend 10 minutes reading this.


It's easy to follow and outlines the lack of proof for man made warming


To get the "warmer" side, follow the links. To get the "skeptic" side, ignore the links.

need to be able to have at least 3 good situations for good arguments for both sides. side 1. the ones who believe its humans fault, and side 2. the ones who believe that what is happening is natural.