> Ways to stop cliamte change?

Ways to stop cliamte change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The human activities are the main cause of the climate change. The pollution, the unhealthy development in our nation etc. will affect the environment and the global warming etc. will occur. Since these are the cause we can control the climate change by controlling the pollution, and by practicing the sustainable development. In all the fields we can use the natural ways, i. e. in agriculture, in the business fields we can use the natural methods. In the field agriculture we can stop or control the use of the pesticides and the other artificial methods. The pollution is a big reason for the climate change. The pollution can be controlled by controlling the use of motor vehicles, by controlling the plastics, use of AC etc.

Our climate is a dynamic process, and as such, is always in a state of change, getting hotter or colder, wetter or drier, with or without man, and will continue to change as long as this planet has an atmosphere. The one thing it never is, is static. The idea of stopping climate change is nonsense, we neither have the theoretical knowledge or the technical ability to do so, thankfully.

12 years ago I was at the Arctic Research Institute in St Petersberg and had a conversation with their meteorologist about climate, I made a note of what he said 'The contribution of human CO2 emissions to global temperature lies in the second place of decimals of a degree centigrade, they may reinforce natural warming, or mitigate natural cooling, by a few hundredths of a degree, but hey do not drive our climate

John "weird beard" Latham is stark raving bonkers.

Stop the earth's natural cycle of change? hahahahaha, for god's sake (and the sake of our children) when are people going to wake up and stop soaking up all this climate change propaganda and scaremongering? climate change was the brainchild of an American for the purpose of making money. And Al Gore is the biggest source of Global Warming lies you can possibly get. Did you know? all the Arctic ice will be gone in 2014, Al Gore says so you know..

Global Warming / Climate Change - it's all Bulls%$t.

Stop making ethanol. It's more toxic than regular gasoline.

John Latham of the National Center for Atmospheric Research has advanced a different SRM approach to save Arctic sea ice: brightening marine stratus clouds. The process involves the use of hundreds of towers on land or on ships to spray a fine mist of seawater into clouds. The seawater will create cloud droplets that are much finer and more highly reflective than those of ordinary clouds. Stephen Salter, emeritus professor of engineering design at Edinburgh University who has produced designs for the nozzles required, says the first test tower could be built in 18 months once funding becomes available. “Once you know what you want to make, then you can make them all over the world very quickly,” he says. A network of 200–300 spray sources on purpose-built ships should reduce irradiation by around a watt per square meter, he figures.

What does this mean? I am trying to make notes from it but I don't understand what making clouds does to help.....

Thnx for helping :-) 10 pts for best answer! :-D