> Was the kyoto protocol created because there was too much global warming in kyoto?

Was the kyoto protocol created because there was too much global warming in kyoto?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what was the reason the kyoto protocol was created? Was the Japanese leader the one who came up with the idea?

No. was the location of the summit.

The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty, created around 1997 to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in many countries.

>>39 countries at that year signed the treaty. The emission of greenhouse gases was reduced to an average of 5.2% by 2010

Scientists knew about global warming for decades before the Kyoto Accord.


You conclusion was very close. It was in that city in Japan that all the hot air specialists got together to stick it to the common man. So yes you could say 'too much global warming' in Kyoto.

No, it's because there's too much global warming in protocol.

what was the reason the kyoto protocol was created? Was the Japanese leader the one who came up with the idea?