> Now the earth has entered a cooling phase can we expect?

Now the earth has entered a cooling phase can we expect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Notice I stayed away from 1998 the El Nino year. The greenies claim that year was so jumbled it messed up the stistics. Also I used 'raw ' data, not James Hansen's 'adjusted' data.

But yet you see the clingers stick with their proven false assumptions. Even in the face of James Hansen and Phil Jones admitting that the Earth has cooled. Albeit, in James Hansen's case it was not publicly until lately.


There are many factors that affect the weather. The Earth's overall temperature is just one of them. So we will see blizzards and hurricanes and tornadoes and rainstorms and everything else that man has experienced. Some will be more sever some will be less sever. The only certainty is, Al Gore will still be blaming AGW.

The Earth has not entered a cooling phase Where do you DA deniers get this malarkey from. 2012 was the 10th warmest year in 132 years. How does that indicate a cooling phase.

We can expect more warming with the next 5 years being near record average global temps. We will see more heat waves, more drought, more torrential rains, more coastal storms with more flooding and yes more blizzards likely since we are dealing with climate change, not just GW

It's been in a cooling phase for over 40 years, yet the temperature keeps going up.

I'm expecting those who think the Earth is entering a cooling phase to be extremely uncomfortable in their red wool underwear. We can expect more extreme weather, with higher probabilities of extremely warm weather and weather events related to a warmer atmosphere.

The article below explains how the upward shift in the average temperature affects the temperature on the extreme ends of the normal distribution curve.

Earths cooling has to happen sooner or later. Just look at the 500,000 year earths temperature history demonstrated by the Vostok ice core samples.

Look toward the North If the Ice gets thicker and it starts snowing 10 months out

of a year .

Nope the world is heating up so we will see raising sea levels, polar and arctic melting, glaciers melting, climate change, abnormal weather, and ultimately death to the environments of the world.

So, just what "COOLING" are you talking about? The last ten years have been the warmest ten year period in the instrumental record, so that hardly amounts to cooling.

Why do you post this garbage?

Ask the people who would tell you if it were entering a cooling phase,


Do you have ay evidence for that assumption other than what you heard on the

1-DUM-DENIER Hotline?

more extreme weather, as the atmosphere will cool faster than the oceans, the temperature difference will be greater, does this mean more rain, more storms, more blizzards and flooding.

Denialist lies. So boring