> Is this the coldest year in history so far?

Is this the coldest year in history so far?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This article says it is.

Look at the alarmist geeks who can't read a simple temperature graph. Even Pegminer should acknowledge this fact, but they don't appreciate what fossil fuels have done for them. Global average temperatures have "slightly" risen, yet the quality and length of life has more than doubled since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

The flip-side of energy use and the profits of its use is the high dollar regulatory aspects of using energy. Why do you think they will stop at nothing to get their hands on "regulating" it? If temperatures show any sign of leveling off or dropping, they will surely name a place where it could be hiding. LOL!

"Save the World" from what? We know it's all about the money if Al Gore has anything to do with promoting it.

Liberals and Greenies love the idea because it gives them more control. Government is where these people love to promote their agenda.

Goddard is only showing a simple observation of real temperatures and the Black Pots are pointing at the Black Kettles and crying foul!

James, "Just claim the blog is a shill for Big Oil and the US s not the whole world."

OR, maybe the north central US is not the whole country.

The map is quite clear - the north central was cold and the southwest was hot.

Most of the country was within a degree or 2 of 'normal'.

Nobody's saying that the polar-vortex wasn't cold.

However, clearly, it wasn't representative of weather around the world.

Fake-name Steve Goddard only gives info for the contiguous US; the state with the most winter warming, Alaska, is completely missing.

As for the deniers crying 'ad hominem' because some dare to point out Steve Goddard is a fake name, in the Real World it is perfectly acceptable (and good scientific practice) to question data provided by anonymous sources (particularly when Goddard's fans simply cannot be bothered to actually check the data for themselves).

Hey Dook - what the hell is Goddard predicting in the link? LOL. Looks like current empirical data compared to historical data to me. Only people trying to predict anything are AGW cultists who have failed to predict anything with any sort of accuracy within the past 4 decades.

Peg - Just claim the blog is a shill for Big Oil and the US s not the whole world.

"Steve Goddard" is a good predictor. Whatever he says is mostly likely to be the opposite of the truth.

You mean in this article written by a fictitious person with a plot that looks like it was prepared by a kid from junior high school?



I am not sure about it being the coldest, but it is pretty cold overall.

Hm you learn something new everyday

No, it's not.


I didn't attack the source. Let's see you not attack the source.

I guess attacking the person (whether pen named or not) passes a science. I don't think it means that much but it sure seems to irritate alarmists probably because it pokes them where they are vulnerable, their arrogant ignorance.


This article says it is.

Since your link is for the US your question should refer to the US like the question James asked 7 hrs earlier

Doubtful. We get a polar vortex every 20 years or so. And you can't convince the folks in the SW that this has been a cold year. Not that the SW is the whole country. I'm not one of the people who confuses the part with the whole, like the ones who extrapolate from the Midwest and NE USA to "global".

I would certainly believe it is in the U.S. I live in the purple area. Anyone who invested correctly based on historical trends and the weird weather predictions would have done quite well the last few years. I know I sure have been paying attention.