> Is Dr Sherwood Idso an appropriate winner of the first Seitz Award?

Is Dr Sherwood Idso an appropriate winner of the first Seitz Award?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I read Dr. Craig Idso's book about ocean acidification. It was interesting as a book on ocean acidification could be, and I found him to be less skeptical than me. IMO he was a little to willing to accept AGW but he wasn't too unreasonable. You notice all alarmists can do is attempt to paint him with the evil " tobacco and Exxon Mobil" brush rather than refute anything he might say but that isn't too surprising. That is who they are. That is how they think.

I think he has worked hard at trying to further science and our understanding. Sure I think he deserves it.

The Idso’s consist of Sherwood and his two sons Craig and Keith. As a family they have made a successful business out of denying climate change.

Between them they are the President, Founder, Chairman, former President and Vice Presidnet of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.

The company was founded in 1998 and funded by ExxonMobil. It has also received funding from the Western Fuels Alliance. It has received at least $3 million funding from the oil industry. Exxon ceased funding it in 2006 when they pulled the plug on their propaganda campaign.

The award was presented by the Heartland Institute (an oil industry funded front organisation).

Dr Sherwood Idso is the recipient of the Frederick Seitz Memorial Award. Professor Seitz worked for R J Reynolds Tobacco where his job was to promote smoking and deny there were any health risks. Shortly before his retirement from R J Reynolds he founded the George C Marshall Institute, an organisation funded by the oil industry to deny climate change was happening.

The fact that Dr S Idso has received such an award from such an organisation isn’t remotely surprising.

As others have pointed out, the Idso clan has proven that lying pays.

In the very early 1990s – when Gore was still a US Senator – circumstances resulted in Sherwood Idso, myself, and another person conducting a research project (the published results of which have enjoyed periods of much popularity among Deniers here at Y!A). I had never heard of the guy. So, we did the research, conducted the analysis, and wrote the paper.

As we were wrapping things up, I began to hear from people advising me that Idso was poison that I would be much happier later – and that my professional reputation would thank me later - if I did not allow my name to be associated with his and kept it off the authors’ list. Long story, short – Idso was called before Gore’s Senate committee and reamed in manner that became legendary. I received only nasty phone calls from DC – and like to believe that it was my surly phone behavior that kept them from wanting to meet me in person. The funniest part is that Sherwood is afraid to fly and so he had to ride the train all the way from Phoenix to DC and back just for a spanking – priceless.


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Ninety-nine percent of the skeptics at that time were the same climate scientists that now accept AGW. It would e almost 10 years before Exxon would recruit McIntyre and McKittrick. The warnings were about Idso's questionable science and ethics.

But, your comment does demonstrate the falseness of the Denier claim that they are skeptics since you are not only scientifically ignorant - you are ignorant of your own political movement's history.


The "Frederick Seitz Memorial Award" or how science deniers circle jerk each other for a PR stunt.

A "Frederick Seitz Memorial Award" is akin to an "Andrew Wakefield Award for Medical Excellency": highly regarded within the small community of science deniers, laughed upon in the Real World.

I can't think of anyone who is more deserving to be the winner of an award named after a guy whose enduring legacy will be one of mental instability in his final years.


It would seem that they clearly profit by publicly denying climate change.

Gee, why does that make me think of "Embezzlers International" honoring Bernie Madoff.

Presented by a skeptic group to prominent skeptic Idso,

Dr. Sherwood Idso, is president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, a nonprofit research and education organization based in Tempe, Arizona. Prior to 2001 he was a research physicist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service at the U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, where he worked since 1967.

Dr. Idso is the author or co-author of more than 500 papers.