> If the temperature of the earths atmosphere?

If the temperature of the earths atmosphere?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
IF? =Global warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our satelite reports that ice starting to accumulate/// reported 11/28/2012. Mike

keeping in mind that the temp at the bottom of the ocean is about 4 degrees above freezing, has been for millions of years, and will be for millions more years, then over 10k years would seem right.

that said how does this apply to global warming? It's the temperature of the top layer of water that's important. That's what drives hurricanes. That's what drives el nino and la nina.

one might also consider that typically, it's the water that affects the air temperature, not the reverse.

it would seem that you need to do considerable more research on the physics of the environment before you go around making assumptions about global warming.

The ocean heat capacity is much more than that of the atmosphere. The answer is F, except in that time you are likely to see an ice age.

Oceans warm similar to earths surface and atmosphere, with maybe a few decades lag, so it would be under a hundred years, bear in mind that our oceans cover 70% of earths surface and receive a lot of solar radiation

Rises 1 degree, how many thousands of years does it take to warm the average oceans temp 1 degree?

A. 1-2 thousand years?

B. 2-3 thousand years?

C. 3-4 thousand years?

D. 4-5 thousand years?

E. 5-10 thousand years?

F. Over 10 thousand years?