> If global warming is settled science, why can't the Aussies find a consensus?

If global warming is settled science, why can't the Aussies find a consensus?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
AUSTRALIA’S peak body of earth scientists has declared itself unable to publish a position statement on climate change due to the deep divisions within its membership on the issue.


Perhaps it is an organization that actually cares what it members think. Geologists by and large aren't easily fooled by exaggerations from alarmists.

Seems to me that, among scientists, there's considerable agreement in Australia.


Every link that I looked at indicated that global warming is a problem, and is caused by burning fossil fuel.

That's what consensus looks like to me.

NOW, when you get to politicians, and money from the coal industry that's available for political campaign donations, then you have a different story.

There is political dissent. That's paid for.

Heck, if it's anything like here in the US, then there's dissent concerning evolution.

That doesn't change the facts though.

The "division" is not about the science -- it's about politics. Australia has a strong conservative element that can and will slander scientists who tell the truth that global warming is settled science. They can withdraw funding -- and will not hesitate to buy off scientists who can be bought.

The Australia Academy of Science has a whole pamplet available.

This is a 24-page pdf


"It is very likely that most of the observed global warming is caused by this increase in greenhouse gas."

"It is very likely there will be significant warming through the 21st Century and beyond. Reduction of greenhouse emissions could signficantly reduced long-term warming."

"Climate change will have significant impacts on our society and environment, both directly and by altering the impacts of other stresses.

"If this warming continues as now projected, it will soon dwarf any change in the last 10,000 years."

"If global warming is settled science, why can't the Aussies find a consensus?"

First of all all the deniers here are ******* dumb.


97% of scientists on this PLANET agree global warming IS real and WE are the cause. So let's ******* stop hiding behind out thumb.

Of course POLITICIANS not scientists have the POWER.

And politicians are just greedy ignorant ***** who care little about the future...and more about their tomorrow's wallet.

In come the big oil industries...

You can guess what happens next.

Are you just parroting something that you read? How did you decide what Australia's "peak body of earth scientists" is? I noticed that same phrasing in an article about the Geological Society of Australia--in fact, you seem to have lifted it verbatim, complete with weird captialization:


Perhaps more relevant earth scientists would be meteorologists and oceanographers, so why not look to the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society's consensus statement on climate change:


By the way, I'm sure they might dispute your characterization of GSA as being the "peak body" of Austrailan earth scientists...oh wait, that wasn't your characterization at all, it was written by Graham Lloyd and plagiarized by you.

Emperor Tony has cut their funding because he's in the pocket of the Mining Industry

Because you are repeating dumb lies, undoubtedly.

No link, no evidence, no credibility.

Oz has its quirks, but its scientists being heavily corrupt or mostly insane seems beyond the pale of possibility.

If you asked whether they were unsettled about Australian versus non-Australian beer, that would be much likelier though not terribly likely.


U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”







It is not 'settled science'.

AUSTRALIA’S peak body of earth scientists has declared itself unable to publish a position statement on climate change due to the deep divisions within its membership on the issue.