> How to reduce global warming (big and small scale)?

How to reduce global warming (big and small scale)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The obvious answer is fusion. Nuclear power that we have today is fission; splitting the atom. There is another way, a much cleaner and far, far more powerful way to do it and that's called nuclear fusion. That's how the sun produces energy. If we could create controlled fusion on Earth, then it would be clean energy for about the next 10 billion years. The fuel it uses is deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) that you can get from seawater. 1 kilo of this stuff would power New York for a fortnight.

Fusion has been kinda sorta progressing for about 50 years, but we've never cracked it.

They are building an experimental tokamak reactor in France called ITER, but that's only for research and it won't even come online until 2018. Actual commercial reactors to supply power to the grid are a bit away yet. Fusion is technically difficult, but not impossible. It can be done. The problem is funding has been pretty weak for decades so fusion r&d has been progressing at a snail's pace since the 60's. If we had fusion reactors, then countries that could afford them (developing nations could not build these reactors, not at first) would be able to greatly reduce their oil consumption. They wouldn't need it to supply the grid since they could get fuel directly from any coast. Its really quite shocking that we didn't have fusion reactors 20 years ago.

Let's go for big scale.

Imagine that here in the UK we can all reduce our "carbon footprint. We could go for zero energy lighting. Just use daylight. We could give up our cars. We could ban all commercial and public vehicles: Buses, vans, lorries, taxis, motor bikes, planes, boats, trains etc. Close all the shops, offices, factories, government departments. We could stop breathing. We could shut down the whole country and march the population into the disused mine shafts and seal up the entrances to stop our "borrowed" carbon re-entering the atmosphere.

If we did all that it would save a massive 1.8% of the world's man-made "carbon" production. At the current rate of world increase in "carbon emissions" that would mean that the earth would not melt (or whatever it is going to do - anyone know?) in January 2100 but in about August 2100.

Our great-great-grand children will be so proud - or perhaps not because there won't be any. Other countries' great-great-grand children will be so proud.

On a small scale, you can do simple things such as using public transportation/biking to places instead of a car. If you do need to buy a car, try an electric or hybrid. Using less electricity also helps (so turning off lights when not in a room, not leaving chargers in outlets, unplugging electronics when not in use). On a large scale, moving towards renewable energy is huge and also using renewable products instead of disposable to reduce waste in general. Also on the large scale would be to make a shift towards naturally-grown products instead of processed and drugged foods. If you ever get into the study of the environment, you'll find out that everything's very interconnected -- from farming to plastic bags to energy. I'll put in the sources section some great books you should check out when it comes to reducing waste and emissions.

I will give you the same answer as to your other question, and here is but one source, and a video showing the mechanism involved. there are plenty of others.


Things you can do to help:

1. Reduce waste. Anything you use took energy to make or process, and energy to transport it to you, and at least some of that energy was probably from fossil fuels like coal and oil. So, the less you waste, and thus the less you use, the less energy is used on your behalf

2. Drive less. Walk, take a bus, or ride your bike when you can to visit friends or go to work or school, instead of driving or having someone drive you. When you do have to drive somewhere, see if you can arrange a carpool so that fewer cars are needed, and/or arrange to do all your driving in one trip.

3. Buy environmentally friendly things. Buy recycled, buy local, buy "green". Not every "green" thing really is better for the environment (sometimes it's just a marketing gimmick), but if you're intelligent and careful, you can reduce your environmental impact by buying things that were made from re-used materials, or didn't have to be transported as far, or that are made with readily renewable resources like most plant fibers. Doing any of those things will tend to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

4. Learn more, and share with others. You may not be able to do the "big" things yourself (like set government policy, or switch the power company to renewable energy sources), but you can learn about them. And once you have learned about them, you can write letters, and get your friends to write letters, urging the relevant people (your government representatives, the power company, and so forth) to take appropriate action.

On a larger scale, we need to, well, stop using fossil fuels, and stop deforestation. There are many ways to do this. A carbon tax, or cap-and-trade, would provide economic pressure to use alternatives to fossil fuels. Legally restricting specific technologies--for example, banning incandescent light bulbs, or requiring car manufacturers to increase the average gas mileage of the cars they sell--will reduce consumption of fossil fuel energy. Stopping subsidies of fossil fuels, and increasing subsidies for non-fossil energy sources, would also decrease the relative attractiveness of fossil fuels. And so on.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

Its quite possible that Global warming ended November 2012. in July 2012 I emailed a solution to a hostile continent where global warming (Alien Organism ) is located. 4 months later Satelites reported Ice accumulation on different parts of earth. My Global teams from all walks of life and I believe Global warming was shut down in November 2012. Civilian = Global Command/ Mike

If AGW is real. Why not limit the President of the United States to one vacation a year, and he has to travel by car, preferably the VOLT? Why not put the limitations that our leaders have in store for us, on our leaders. These people create 1000 times more GHG than the average citizen does.

The simple answer is to stop dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

We do nothing. Climate change occurs naturally. Look at the iceages.

What I mean by a big and small scale is how to reduce global warming with the help of the whole nation (or population) and how to reduce the carbon footprint of just one person (small scale). For the big scale, what technology can help reduce global warming/carbon footprint? Please paste your sources as well. It would be a great help if you pasted links from New York Times, NASA, National Geographic, ect.

i think global warming is increasing because sometimes we fart to much