> Global Warming Deniers, where to you draw the line with pollution?

Global Warming Deniers, where to you draw the line with pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I believe people inherently know right from wrong, with pollution it's a matter of determining whether the benefits outweigh the harm and we should do what we can be prevented and/or reduced pollution to limit or mitigate harm to the environment based on that. There is only one person on here that I know for sure believes God controls the weather and that's Climate realist, a non-denier. He believes God could intervene but hasn't because Republicans believe they have the right to drive SUV's.

As for Rolando's comments, people have misclassified AGW as a conspiracy or hoax. It's no more of a conspiracy or hoax than the current issue with our financial problems in the US. Liberals simply believe they need to spend more money, grow the government, and collect more taxes to solve the problem. We don't. That's not a conspiracy that's ignorance. We both agree that we have way too much debt it's the why and how that we can't agree on and obviously since we can't agree on how we got here we can't agree on how to prevent it from happening again or how to fix it. I know it's warming, I know CO2 is the cause of some of the warming, I don't find it unprecedented and I don't believe we could stop it from happening.

I'm a Global warming denier, in that I do not believe rising CO2 levels are going to cause any harm, however I am totally against pollution, we need to care for our Earth, filling our oceans with plastic and deforestation are just stupid, so is driving gas guzzlers when not needed, (not because of CO2 because using up oil reserves will cause gas hikes when we have find oil by more difficult means).

This whole climate change argument is stupid, we need to think what are the best means to go forward, what are the real dangers and what is possible or reasonable.

This not happening, everyone treats this as black or white, for or against, it seems everyone has extreme views, where is the reason and common sense?

I am not a global warming denier. From what I have seen quite a few of the deniers actually do care for the environment, they just choose to deny the science behind AGW for various reasons.

They believe AGW is a global conspiracy by thousands of scientist all over the world, in order to get governments to raise taxes on every one, including the scientist and institute a global totalitarian regime that restricts freedom. And to them any one who does not see this is a crazy liberal and/or dangerous.

As a devout conservative earth loving environmentalist I think the entire planet ought to be compelled to follow China's lead in solving the global warming catastrophe. We need to build as many coal fired power plants as humanly possible to create as much pollution as fast as we can to halt the global warming crisis.

As we have learned leading hysterical global warming scientists have determined that the reason global warming has flatlined and even cooled slightly in the past 17 years is because of pollution from China's coal fired power plants. Check out the earthshattering news about that here:


Human civilization now has the solution to halt this terrible impending inevitable catastrophic life threatening man caused environmental holocost right in its tracks. Every earth loving pinko greenpeace earth firster ought to be taking to the streets in protest demanding that these massive coal fired power plants be built immediately generating millions of needed jobs in the process. Are we up to the task?

China is helping the denier cause according to some by polluting aerosols into the atmosphere, so it might be welcomed.

Denialists love pollution. They don't believe in carbon dioxide because they can't see it. Therefore, we need to fill to fill the air with thick, black smoke so they can see it.

I don't believe God controls the weather any more than I believe humans do.

Praise be to Gore.

I draw the line where you think it is man made.

Yes, the creator of the earth set in motion the many natural actions which cause the temperature to stay as constant as it is. He was doing this before you drove your SUV.

You live in a fantasy world with very little basis in reality.

It is funny how much I know about you and I never met you or read anything from you. You are no doubt young; too young to have many informed opinions. You get your information from leftist media and blogs (certainly not science books). Gee, you must be asking, how did I know all that?

It is alarmists that pretend to know climates didn't change until humans and evil capitalism came along. I have contempt for the lack of reasoning of alarmists and then to have one mock religion, it is the ultimate in hypocrisy, because IMO AGW alarmism is little more than a cult.