> Does any environmentalist wanna make ten quick easy bucks?

Does any environmentalist wanna make ten quick easy bucks?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'll give ten bucks to anyone who can prove it ain't the Sun.

AlphieBoy - " ... the sun output has not changed enough for the earth to warm over the last 100 years. ... "

... and a 0.87C rise in temperature over the past 350 years is nothing either!

These "Climate Clowns" can't interpret their own research and data. I doubt that they will ever come to a conclusion that shows how small CO2 warming really is.

"Does any environmentalist wanna make ten quick easy bucks?" I am sure there are some..

"I'll give ten bucks to anyone who can prove it ain't the Sun." That is a lie. (you won't give any money to any one because you do not accept science over your extremist religious dogma.)

"Update : And I don't accept, "Because Al Gore says so!" " No one here mentioned Al Gore but you.

Only a fool would claim that altering the components of the atmosphere would have no effect on the heat retention capacity of the atmosphere. That same fool would claim his god has his hand on the thermostat and fries children if the parents do not bow deep enough or give enough money (tithe) to that god.

This 0.1% in TSI is only scraping the surface, what about CME's, solar wind, the AP magnetic index, the up to 16% changes in ultraviolet, all these affect us, how? we don't have a clue yet.

Climate Realist and his it would affect the stratosphere, well in 2009 the total atmosphere shrank (way more than expected by NASA) during a solar minimum, it does effect the stratosphere and mesosphere, and all the other spheres, bercause we don't know how it does it, only highlights our ignorance.

I'll give $20.00 to anyone who can figure out how to raise this category above the third grade level for more than a month.

Kano. It's a good thing we have satellites up there to measure all those things isn't it?

a denier does not accept any evidence.

if it was the sun, the stratosphere would warm.

the sun output has not changed enough for the earth to warm over the last 100 years.


I'll give ten bucks to anyone who can prove it ain't the Sun.