> The Union of Concerned Scientists says climate change will make northeast USA winters warmer, John Holdren and the White

The Union of Concerned Scientists says climate change will make northeast USA winters warmer, John Holdren and the White

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


The UCS should be taken seriously because of the quality of its membership.

The photo, below, is of Kenji, who at the time of the photo was a well-known member of UCS. (OK, I added the tinfoil hat.)

That alarmists have stacked the deck with "Climate Change" so no matter what happens they will use it as proof of the CAGW theory. It's like they have a two headed quarter and call heads every time they flip. They think they are brilliant but deep down know they are just trying to deceive the public into believing their religion.

No,no,no. John Holdren is looking at current winters, seeing that the planet is not acting in accordance with their scare stories, and has adjusted the scare story. So he declares that the winters are because of global warming, and it could get worse. UCS stays to the same scare story they have always been telling. I think they still run an atomic doomsday clock, which doesn't care about Iran, but worries if the US does something.

They don't necessarily contradict each other. For example, some regional models expect California to be drier--on average--with longer droughts. However, those same models forecast that during the non-drought years that there may be rainier years than we currently see.

Similarly, the northeast may be warmer on average, but subject to more intense cold when they do get that type of winter like they just had.

I think getting the regional intricacies right is an even harder problem than getting the global average correct.

the sun's output has increased by a tiny fraction recently causing much more active weather patterns on earth as the sun is a million times the size of the earth that tiny increase has a big effect , it is cyclical and there is NOTHING we can do about it , with trillions of tons of water on a planet spinning at 1000mph any change is magnified by increased evaporation

They don't use the same definitions!

As peg said, there is going to be weather.

