> Seriously - can conservatives please stop claiming that climate change gets faker every winter?

Seriously - can conservatives please stop claiming that climate change gets faker every winter?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. No they can't. They have very short attention spans. If you can't make the answer one sentence, or one cartoon, they can't get it. (They probably only got halfway on this one)

I would like to ask you and your liberal ilk to show any proper science that even comes close to explaining your fear-mongering about what you now wish to call 'climate change' since 'global warming' hysteria has been proven false.

I don't consider 8 feet of snow in Buffalo New York before Thanksgiving as being a 'snowflake'!

The fact is that this current cold spell has broken all-time records in most, if not all of the States!

Why do you think that it is just conservatives who feel that 'climate change' is a hoax?

I happen to consider myself a little bit 'left of center' and yet I know the politics that are involved in this farce!

I get very irritated when I see science being abused by those that have either political or financial gains to realize!

This has little to do with science.

It has much more to do with 'brainwashing' of the susceptible and ignorant public!

You are correct that there is a difference between weather and climate, however when global temperature rises have stalled over the past 18 years, and may soon show temperature decline, then I have to ask why you 'believe' in this farce?

To me, it is tiresome to explain over and over the difference between science and a religious belief!

I've never done so, but I remember we had an incredibly mild winter a few years ago (I live in the midwest) and liberals came out of the woodwork, sneering, "See?!?!? I told you so!". Then, last year, we had one of the coldest on record. The liberal mantra switched to, "Well, that's climate change for ya!"

I'm cautious about making claims either way ,but if you don't think "climate scientists" are above reproach when they know full well that certain conclusions/hypotheses may result in continued funding/employment, well, I feel sorry for you.

As others have said, many of these same scientists beat the "global cooling" drum 20-odd years ago. Why they didn't find the one-size-fits-all "climate change" line ages ago is beyond me.

Nothing can get "faker". Either it's fake or it isn't. you cant be more fake than fake. That's like saying a dog is more dog than a dog. That being said, climate change is not fake. It's been recorded in the past. Glboal warming, however, is a straight up fallacy.

Here's the thing -- in order for something to be considered "science" is has to meet three criteria: it has to be MEASURABLE, it has to be REPEATABLE, and it has to be FALSIFIABLE.

Now, ignoring for the moment that there's been no statistically significant increase in temperature for the last 18 years (thus invalidating the "measurable" part), and that the last time temperatures were this high was some time in the 1400's (and we all know how many people were driving SUV's back then -- so much for "repeatable"), no reputable scientist has ever defined what set of conditions, if found to be true, would render anthropocentric climate change theory false and force them to reevaluate what's going on -- it's simply assumed that it MUST be true, the facts be damned (see "measurable", above). Between that, and my firsthand memories of the "settled" science from the 1970's with its hysterical,Chicken Little predictions of a coming Ice Age due to particulate pollutants blotting out the Sun, I feel quite comfortable calling "bullsh**" on your heads-I-win, tails-you-lose tautology of "Climate Change".

Nothing can get "faker". Either it's fake or it isn't. you cant be more fake than fake. That's like saying a dog is more dog than a dog. That being said, climate change is not fake. It's been recorded in the past. Glboal warming, however, is a straight up fallacy.

It seems lately that every winter is colder than the last. I agree that it is just weather but after a while that weather turns into climate. It seems that we hear about record cold everywhere at the same time we hear from you guys how it is supposedly record warm. I think most of it is just to tweak you alarmists because you hate it so much.

Josh talks about conservatives being self centered. We aren't state centered like you but that doesn't mean we are self centered. The state isn't your friend Josh. You just think it is. Conservatives just want to make sure it doesn't get too powerful. Sometimes the adults have to do the right thing because the children think they know better.

You blamed Katrina and Sandy on Climate change

Blamed that Typhoon on Climate change .

And then you have no proof to back those up .

Blamed Joplin Tornado on Climate during tornado season

Bernie Sanders and Sheldon Whitehouse claim and blame all the time . And they are the top climate scientist next to Al Sharpton

Nothing can get "faker". Either it's fake or it isn't. you cant be more fake than fake. That's like saying a dog is more dog than a dog. That being said, climate change is not fake. It's been recorded in the past. Glboal warming, however, is a straight up fallacy.

"For well over a decade now, climate alarmists have been claiming that snow would soon become a thing of the past. In March 2000, for example, “senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”

The very next year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50 percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 ― or possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office admitted to The Guardian newspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K. winter since rec-ords began a century ago blanketed the islands with snow."

OK I will do that as soon as every summer liberals stop point to one record high in some part of the world and claiming that that is proof positive. After all they are both based on the same fallacious reasoning.

BTW here is a liberal doing just that.


Every time a snowflake hits the ground conservatives gleefully squeal about "fake" climate change.

I it tiresome to explain over and over the difference between weather and climate. Can y'all please just stop this?

Climate change is real. It's just not man made. The mile thick glaciers did not go away during the industrial revolution, it has been getting warmer for 60,000 years.

It is not in the conservative nature. Conservative nature is self-centered and self-interested. They look outside and see snow falling in their yard and conclude the world must be experiencing those same conditions. They fail to realize that global warming means exactly that -- across the globe.

2014 is on track to be the warmest year since record-keeping began in the 1880s.


Global warming changed to "climate change" because the last few years have been colder than average. Colder weather brings down the average temperature. Climate is the average temperature. There is no global warming, but the climate is changing to colder - not warmer.

You blamed Katrina and Sandy on Climate change

Blamed that Typhoon on Climate change .

And then you have no proof to back those up .

Blamed Joplin Tornado on Climate during tornado season

Bernie Sanders and Sheldon Whitehouse claim and blame all the time . And they are the top climate scientist next to Al Sharpton

Good luck trying to get them to believe in science. I've already given up.

Good luck trying to get them to believe in science. I've already given up.

Good luck trying to get them to believe in science. I've already given up.

Only if global warming believers would stop saying so-called "global warming" is real every summer.

Good luck trying to get them to believe in science. I've already given up.

Only if global warming believers would stop saying so-called "global warming" is real every summer.

Liberals always know what's best for us.

Sometimes they have to lie to the stupid public to pass their agenda

but it is for our own good.

They lied to pass Obamacare

and they are lying about Climate Change

but if they told us the truth they would never get their left wing extremist environment al laws passed.

it just a good thing we have stupid voters that believe the liberals

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

There is an old saying that applies here, "The truth hurts."

No. There is no hope for them.

They are pawns of The Republican War on Science