> Why are winters getting colder if there is global warming?

Why are winters getting colder if there is global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's true that some places are getting warmer winters and some are getting colder winters. The overall trend is that global warming is occurring on a global scale. There is an overall warming trend regardless of the cooling of some locations around the world. The main theme is that the polar ice caps are melting, glaciers are disappearing, and oceans are warming. Also, the changing seasons are becoming more intense as Earth enters its warming period. There will be hotter summers and cooler winters until a certain threshold is reached. It will take a long time for these changes in climate to become more uniform globally but at the rate we are going, it's in the future of some later generations.

Its quite simple, really. Global Warming is a MYTH, invented by people with nothing better to do than come up with silly hoaxes. You're not imagining that your winters are still cold. They are. In fact, a highly educated colleague of mine discovered a book called "The Cold Sun" which is written by a highly respected scientist and Republican lobbyist (U-S-A) which proves that the earth is actually getting colder, which is obviously true and should be our focus, I guess. I mean we need something to be afraid of, right?

When the icebergs melt, they send a cold wind down south, also, there is the chem trails, distorting our weather with Aluminum oxide particles ( there are more chemicals ). Greenland used to be white, but its actually now quite green, and Iceland appears to have some melting yet to do. When the snow and ice is gone, do you think you'll be seeing any cooler days?

You did not have snow, you must have imagined it.

Snowfall “…a very rare and exciting event”

Posted on December 24, 2010 by Anthony Watts

From the Independent, March 20th, 2000:

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.


Seriously, you will not get an answer, only abuse.

Global warming is a misnomer. Climate shift I a better term and that is that is happening. Here is a hypothetical example of how warming can make winters colder. The ice sheets along the arctic and Antarctic ridge start o melt and break away. The float into warmer waters thus cooling them. The jet streams which work on warm waters are effected and begin to pull colder air away from the poles into the regions of warmer air. Irat come massive storm systems and then a gradual cooling process. Eventually an ice age.

This is an excellent question. My UK buddy, Liz, has been asking the same question. Because the case for AGW is very weak.

Preliminary overview of "GW"/Global Climate Change:

If there has been any "instability" or incidence of extreme changes...these are conceivably related to HAARP experimental work in the Ionosphere, about which we hear nothing in the major media. Please consider these facts:

1. CO2 is not by any means a noxious gas, as is, e.g., Carbon Monoxide. As a matter of fact Carbon dioxide is absolutely essential for photosynthetic plants, upon which we depend for oxygen production and food.

2. CO2 is associated with only very marginal 'greenhouse" effects. Other gases, such as sulfur dioxide, e.g., from volcanoes and rotting organic material, are stronger candidates for this.

3. The biggest "driver" of climate change is Solar Activity, not CO2,

4. The placement of temperature reading stations around the world tends to be near cities, not out in the "wastes," so their readings could be expected to be skewed higher than the actual earth temperatures.

5. Temperature readings from satellites do not dovetail with surface stations...there are many inconsistencies.

6. The official weather people "cherry--pick" data, so as to support their case. A prime example is the "hockey-stick" graph feature, incorporated in their materials. When this abnormal element is removed, the "dramatic" evidence of GW disappears.

7. The dire predictions of the Status Quo “Global Climate Change” position are based on complicated models, about which many scientists have expressed doubt. There are a number of experts who support the Official Narrative, yet―interesting enough--admit that there are serious questions about the component in the models which lies in their particular field of expertise. If you have any knowledge of equations and functions, you'll understand that a change in one or more components of an equation or algorithm may yield very different results. If A x B x C x D = F...and B and C are altered, there is very little chance you will be able to depend on F remaining constant. Using these complicated models to support theory is like building a house on quick-sand. Very "iffy."

Globally winters are getting warmer

Because, there is some heat missing. Jeff M, Trevor, Flunky, Prico, Al Gore and others are all out looking for it. They are being led by Dork.

In direct answer to your question: That is true about the missing heat theory. But also, the fact is, that the Earth has been cooling for over a decade now. Even Phil Jones admits it, now. Then also, what you refer to is weather and it is cyclic. I has been cold there before. There are artist drawings of people ice skating on the Thames.

So your question is valid. If, in truth, GW were true, you would definitely see the cyclic weather, but you would also see an upward trend to those cycles. That hasn't happened.

Because no matter what the weather does, it's Global Warming. Hot, cold, stays the same - all Global Warming. There are thousands of papers on why everything that happens is Global Warming. If you wake up late for school or work, yep, it's Global Warming. Cancer deaths, Global Warming. Nothing on this planet happens that is not caused by it. Environmentalists can explain it all. One news report even blamed the near orbit asteroids on, you guessed it, Global Warming. On a serious note if you substituted the word "God" for "Global Warming" you would begin to understand.

global warming is a religion being run by and followed by complete nut cases

I'm 18, and in Britain, in the last 5 years, I have experienced some of the coldest winters in my life. We've had snow for the last 4 years in the UK, which never really happened before that. (Unless we go back to the 1969's and further). How is this so if there is global warming?

Because there was some natural global warming for awhile but now the globe is cooling.

There was never any man-made Global Warming.

See what some of the world's leading climate scientists say:

(the ones not corrupted by this money-making scam)

The Great Global Warming Swindle

You must be mistaken, we know from climate scientist that snow is a thing of the past, you must be living in a museum.

Five years is weather and Britain is not the whole world.