> What is an "alarmist" (climate change)?

What is an "alarmist" (climate change)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Alarmism" is a term used to attempt to discredit those who acknowledge anthropogenic global warming is a reality. The term 'alarmist' is "a person who tends to raise alarms, especially without sufficient reason, as by exaggerating dangers or prophesying calamities." as per dictionary.com. Here is a paper concerning what this question concerns.

The new climate discourse: Alarmist or alarming? - http://cstpr.colorado.edu/students/envs_...

It is my belief that those who use the term 'alarmists' merely use it because they have heard other describe 'warmists' as that. Or they use the term because they pay attention specifically to cherry-picked phrases from those who acknowledge AGW such as "We only have so-and-so many years to alter our energy production ways." without looking at it further. Given the definition of alarmism and alarmists it would be better to describe those that believe anthropogenic climate change is merely a way of taking your hard earned money and is a plan of the big wigs of the world. Are there people that acknowledge AGW who would be classified as 'alarmists'? Definitely as they often overemphasize the effects. Are there 'skeptics' who would be classified as 'alarmists'? Most certainly. The majority of self-proclaimed 'skeptics' in here would be classified as alarmists as most of them do not care about reality. Instead they care about the latest alarmist out-of-context stories about the their government attempting to increase taxation, take their money, and force them to live under a communist dictatorship. I'm sure you could even find some of the self-proclaimed scientists on the 'denier' side falls under this category as well.

I think an alarmist is someone who jumps to unreasonable conclusions about climate change without a solid grasp of the facts and statistical probabilities, like believing that New York City is going to be under 70 feet of water by 2050...or using the scenario of climate change to promote an agenda not well-related to the issue itself in terms of scale...e.g. imposing draconian regulations and laws or we're all going to die-that sort of overstatement and fear-mongering. I also think alarmism is appealing to people's fears out of proportion to the risks and potential impact of climate change, especially when the audience is not particularly knowlegable about it.

This can be related to denial in a number of ways-for example, disseminating false or misleading information deliberately to try to influence other people. I don't think, however, that 'alarmist' has the same negative connotations that 'denier' does. I'm not exactly sure why except maybe alarmists are more often sincere in their beliefs, even if exaggerated, while the denial agenda seems more machavellian by design. But that is just a personal take off the top of my head...mere idle speculation that to me is interesting.

Al Gore, by this interpretation, could be described as an alarmist; so could James Hansen, at least in the world of celebrity activists. They tend (or tended) to look at things more from a worst case scenario viewpoint rather than looking at the range of potential outcomes.

I also think what is known as 'alarmism' is given more latitude than denial because what might be considered alarmism today-like Gore's presentation a few years ago-is also taken in context more; as research continues the viewpoints, outlooks and predictions get more balanced. Denial, on the other hand, relies in large part in repeating falsehoods today-or mixing science and politics-that are the same as ten years ago and the frustration this results in is palpable.

Skepticism is a different matter entirely; I don't think there is as good a term to apply to 'proponents' of climate change...and I wish someone would come up with a better one. 'Warmist' is OK, as is 'Realist,' but none so far has the descriptive ring that 'Alarmist,' 'Skeptic,' and 'Denier' do.

An alarmist is a realist as seen be half-literate entry-level science-hating denialists. The term has no meaning in the real world

I've been here for about 5 years now and it was in common use back then.


I've really no idea how, who or where it came from, nor what a good definition would be, but I think it's an interesting question, worth a star.

An alarmist is anyone who hears global warming mentioned and does not run around shouting such things as "It's a conspiracy to raise taxes," or "They want to take away our freedoms," or "We're heading into an ice age."

Alarmist refers to so called experts making predictions such as these:

Ice Free Summers to the North Pole


No More Snow in Great Britain


There numerous other predictions that are absolutely pathetic, it's unthinkable that any public funds would ever be used to finance such mindless drivel.

Among the half-assedly recycled claims of half-literate entry-level science-hating posters here, it is often said that "alarmists" do this or that or don't do this or that. What's your definition?

Does "alarmist" mean anyone who is skeptical of not being skeptical about abiotic oil?

Or anyone who disagrees with any comment from climate science experts Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Perry and Billy (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgaDzqT8z3fxHzLNw2TGt2EjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20120226101746AAUznYN) ?

Is the "alarmist" species related to mermaids, leprichauns or unicorns?

WHERE does this word come from?

WHO coined it and when?