> Recycling Television?

Recycling Television?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi Ice it will probably end up hear http://www.google.com.au/search?q=electr...

Edit Sage and Ice you seen this

Recycling old electronics really is a problem. There are some useful materials and parts in them, but the labor to recover them is prohibitive. They often, legally or illegally, end up being shipped to where labor is cheaper and where the laws are more lax about pollution. Some people are willing to take the risk of damage to themselves or the environment for a little bit of money if they have none otherwise.

Recycling any old electronics is good. My opinion is: they are going to send the TV back to Sony to recycle.

I know this is a really crazy idea but why dont you ask them? Perhaps also ask if they actually want it

There are strict laws as to the disposal of these appliances. Any organization has to know the laws in order to exist. They will definitely handle it correctly.

So I have this old 50' sony tv that I no longer want. I want to take it to recycle center, such as salvation army. Do you know what will they do with it? Are they going to send the tv back to Sony to recycle it or they will just dump it somewhere?

I am not asking about salvation army, but general recycle center.