> Is climate change real?

Is climate change real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Does climate change actually exist? Like is it actually happening or are scientists trying to freak us out?

Yes, climate change is real.

However, it may not be what you think or have been led to believe. We are told that it is being caused by man but for 4.5 billion years it was caused by nature.

Asserting that science somehow changed when man arrived on the scene and that natural climate change stopped and man-made climate change started is not reasonable. There is no reason for the natural element of climate change to stop so changes as big as those in history can still be expected. Most of the scare stories rely on the fact that most people don't know how much the climate changed in the past or what past weather was like. The video about "Weather Cooking" is a good place to start for past weather and how people reacted. Then it was caused by witches - everyone knew that. There was a consensus.

Scientists are still trying to determine how the climate works. This is why the current pause or hiatus has got them all trying to dream up excuses. They have found another 11 reasons, at least, why the pause could be happening. Basically, that says that after 30 years of research, at least 11 possible influences had not been accounted for.

@C: "Do you honestly thing (sic) there would be a global warming category is (sic) it were as (sic) hoax." Have you seen the Y!A Horoscopes section?

its has happened naturally in earths past but much, much more slowly its clamed that the pace because its speeding up and when first found in the 1930's at a peed I think of 1/5 th the natural speed of the earth warming that it was speeded by man

Yes it is real,,,naturally but our actions have it speed up at an alarming rate.

The past had a snowball earth and a hot house earth - it is this "split" in predictions from scientist that is half and half that which way once the tipping point is reached and the weather quickly changes toward either a snowball or hot house of 114 and higher in some areas man could not live nor could most plants at that temp - oceans would boil - snowball earth has happened finding this changed at least half the leading scientist to believing this not hot house would be the result - they can not agree

For real and for sure climate change in general does not exist !!!!!!!!!! what scientists say is just a change in global temperatures but not climate .

Yes climate change is real, and the current accelerated warming is our fault. There isn't enough money in the world to bride all the scientists who have come to this conclusion.

Hear is a short version of the story. About 3 million years ago, volcanic activity closed off a water way between the North and South American continents, forming the Isthmus of Panama. This cut off ocean currents that used to balance heat between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This set off a cycle of freeze and thaw, which has caused several ice ages in the time since. The most recent ice age ended roughly 10,000 years ago, and the Earth has been gradually warming. The warming phases between ice ages are fairly constant and uniform, except this one. For some reason, by process of elimination now determined to be human industrial activity, the current warming cycle is between 10,000 and 20,000 years ahead of schedule. We determined we were causing this by eliminating all other possible causes. For the last 10,000 years, solar activity has either been typical for its age or lower than average (the little ice age). The Earth is actually experiencing a low level of volcanic activity.

I think, Climate Change is Real or Not, But, with the Little Common Sense, We CAN Predict That, There is the CHANGING, Which is the CHANGE From the Normal CHANGING, Because, We are NOT have had the HISTORY, Which Showed the So MUCH of POPULATIONS, With the Accumulation of the INDUSTRIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL , and GEOLOGICAL "VARIED CHANGES " With the Development of the WORLD, "MORE VARYING FROM the NATURE". So, There CAN BE the CHANGES in the CLIMATE, Which May "VARIES" From Its "NORMAL CHANGES of the CLIMATE " to the Some Extent of the "VARIATION", Which May be the "DRASTIC", Due to Our "OVER ACTIONS, OVER the NATURAL WORLD".

Simple answer is yes. Climate change is real. The debate is on what factors drive it, which of those factors is more dominate, and what extremes are likely when the only factor you look at is concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Just look at 'C'. " Do you honestly thing there would be a global warming category is it were as hoax." (should have been a question mark and the sentence is garbled, but we get the implication.)

Global Warming has been proven false many times over and even on this site. However, take a few minutes and study Goebbels' philosophy:

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Naturally it doesn't exist. The powers that be want your money and liberties. They are getting it through AGW and Climate Change scams. Their thinly veiled scam is an old con game.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

This scam is big business. Al Gore is now a billionaire from this scam. The UN is more powerful from this scam. A small minority of people are making huge advances because of this unscientific scam.

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

The climate has changed in the past and it has not been due to anything man has done. During WWII the US released powerful bombs over Japan. Did that change the climate in Japan or anywhere else? The largest forces man has released to date have not changed the climate. Do you really think that your driving a car to work is going to change the climate. If you do I have some shady friends who want to sell you some oceanfront property.

Look at it this way..............If the government were to cease throwing $Billions of taxpayer dollars at unethical, greedy scientists and universities for biased/corrupted research that supports man-made global warming...............then so-called "global warming" would no longer exist.

Climate Change/Global Warming is all about money and a misplaced sense of self-importance on the part of a number of "scientists" who have sold out their professions. Of course, we have the government feeding those critters with hopes of ultimately reaping tax revenues based on the CO2 scam.

If you mean man-made Climate Change the answer is NO.

But of course natural climate change has always happened.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years but climate Alarmists predicted the planet would warm.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The climate on planet Earth has changed since it existed, it's just a slow process. but always changing

Does climate change actually exist? Like is it actually happening or are scientists trying to freak us out?

Scientist are not in the business of "freaking people out" science is a slow methodical process scientists researched this for decades before they started to make it known CO2 might be a problem.

That was back in the 1970's when they had a number of views based on the evidence they had at the time, denier take just one side of that debate and try to pretend there was a consensus back then that we were cooling, this is simply not true, even some basic research shows many papers even back in the 70's where talking about CO2 related warming now 40 years later (and a couple of generations of scientists later) they are certain.


Deniers like to try and claim scientists are faking this or it a conspiracy, to a scientist faking data or lying about data is about the worst thing you can do, withing science anyone found to be doing this is finished as a scientist.

Denial is a string of lies that number now almost 200 varying conspiracy and alternate theories that make little real sense and all have been easily debunked but deniers just keep on using them.

Here is the current list of the denier claims (so far)


Note No. 1 is the one Yurxter tries to play, past natural change, usually linked to changes in CO2 levels does not in anyway rule out man-made climate change when we also are changing the CO2 level, in fact this denier theory admits such past climate change so accepts CO2 as a climate driver, so how do they then claim the current 40% increase in CO2 can't have an effect, such is denial.

The science viewpoint on other denier claims is covered here


The real science is covered here


and please ask any denier to post a science site that supports their views and then watch them not be able to, because there are none that do.

Where have you been. Do you honestly thing there would be a global warming category is it were as hoax. Maybe you aren't old enough to be in the forum. Almost any 12 year old can tell you something about climate change and it is even on the television news.


Scientist are not trying to freak us out. What is a scientist? A scientist is someone who goes to school and learns science. They are taught and trained by the same scientist who went to school and learned science. So they are you and I only they have been downloaded a program of knowledge. What is Knowledge? Knowledge is information that can be either true or false. The world is of all possibility, this is one of the biggest secrets. What science does is takes a piece of that all possibility pie and says "this is all that is". Science completely rejects and idea of creation from extra terrestrials or a "god" simply because it's own methods dismiss. Therefore to me science is not 100% truth. Im not religious but my first clue to science being a religion is their theories on how life came about and how things such as the moon and the galaxy in general came about are laughable utter non sense. Yet these "scientist" believe all that is is science simply because they can't see the impossible as being possible.

What I mean by anything is possible is that the human mind must preceive something for it to exist. A good example is the 4 minute mile. The 4 minute mile was considered "impossible" even science said back in the day that for a human to run a 4 minute mile would be "impossible". Yet finally someone did it and guess what? Once the first person did it "magically" others began to do it as well. This is because the power of mind and consciousness over rules the "laws of physics" and science. Since the world is of all possibility and science runs on a fraction of what is preceived as possible......Science is a religion. Christianity runs on the same principle as well, limiting possibility. This is important to understand because today it seems Science means truth and im hear to say that is complete Bull$hit.

Now Climate Science is like a cult of a religion, like the mormon church. It is a new science. These climate scientist are looking at all these factors and believe CO2 is causing the warming. The only reason they believe this is because they have been brainwashed over many many years to believe that this science is truth. In 1990 the IPCC released a report saying it was very skeptical that CO2 was causing the warming. There is a cabal of elite powerful bankers, businessmen and politicians who want to use AGW to create their life long agenda of controlling the world and creating a one world government of fascism. Don't believe me? You need to research this. In 1991 this cabal I call the illuminati lead by Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, Lord Rothschild, Al Gore, and many many others met at a group known as the Club of Rome. The wrote a book in 1991 called "The First Global Revolution" here is what they say in their book about using the "threat" of AGW regardless of it being true as a vehicle to create their one world government, known publicly as The New World Order.

here is the quote 1991 Club of Rome The First Global Revolution

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

Then these same figures involved in the Club of Rome hosted the 1992 UNCED Global Warming conference in Rio. A group of bankers and politicians talked about how concerned they were with the environment....well that is bull$hit they could care less they just want their New World Order to work and they knew this BS science was a perfect vehicle to brainwash the sheep with. After this conference and the Club of Rome book the IPCC did a "supplementary report" and magically they changed their consensus from being skeptical to "AGW is a serious problem and we must take action". From this day forward Universities across the globe and the mainstream media and governments of the UN have been brainwashing the masses into believing this garbage science to be true. Like the sheep they are they just simply follow and listen without questioning anything.



Quote from David Rockefeller in his evil book titled "memoirs"

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."






Let's put it this way.

Al Gore is full of BS. But he got rich off of it.

It's ALL about money and ideals.

If you honestly think humans created Hurricanes because 97% of environmentalist whack jobs said so, then w.e floats your boat.