> Has climate science been wrong for 120yrs?

Has climate science been wrong for 120yrs?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Just in case some of you are bored and want an opportunity to rant.

Climate science's predictions have never been right. No one, and I mean no one on Earth knows enough about the atmosphere to accurately predict anything of consequence. History back this up. True science backs this up. And good logic backs this up.

Apparently, Grungo, by his own admission, only gets his passions up only by reading 'The Communist Manifesto' and Jimmy Hansen's lies. Then he goes orgasmic. One only has to look at his icon to determine that.

When I am bored I watch cat videos on Youtube; I don't read, let alone believe, the delusional writings of the numerous' armchair experts with blogs' who'll claim that NASA faked the moon landings, 9/11 to be an inside job, vaccines to cause autism, aliens to be real or climate science to be a global hoax..

Edit @Kano:

Your link is nothing more than a collection of press articles covering science. It is therefor not a criticism of science but rather of journalism.

Around 1978 I read two scientific papers on the subject of possible global cooling caused by small particles in the upper atmosphere. These had been published in 1973, and they, and other papers published around the same time are frequently referred to by global warming denialists in an effort to discredit the idea of global warming. I see them yet again referred to in that Aardvark article with the same intention.

At least one of these papers specifically stated that there could be global cooling unless the warming effect from accumulating carbon dioxide was greater. This is carefully ignored by denialists. At least some of these papers are on-line in full text form, you can find them if you search, I found one of them a few years ago but I am not going to repeat that search again for you as I'm going out directly.

This kind of thing is directly comparable to the lies promoted by creationists about Eugene Dubois and his "Java Man " find in 1895.

No rant. Just an "Amen" to your article.

No, the polar ice is melting.


Just in case some of you are bored and want an opportunity to rant.