> If we spend trillions on fighting CO2 which is harmless and beneficial to plants and thus to all animals?

If we spend trillions on fighting CO2 which is harmless and beneficial to plants and thus to all animals?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
including humans, would we miss the opportunity at building settlements on the Moon, Mars, and beyond and all die when an asteroid hits Earth and kill everyone?

Why can' t we do both? I am still waiting for all the money we were going to spend on Earth when the Apollo moon landings ended.

Yes carbon dioxide is essential for plants, but like everything else, it is harmful in excess. The liver of a polar bear has enough vitamin A to kill you. And we need food to live, but that doesn't mean that we should eat a truckload of food every day.

Anything is harmless at a low enough dose, and almost anything is toxic at a high enough dose.

And I suspect making self-sustaining settlements on the Moon or Mars would be, well, a more difficult task than surviving on Earth after a major asteroid strike.

Who is spending these trillions. Are you referring to controls on carbon emissions and general "clean air" policies? It took humans a long time to realize that defecating in the same stream they drank from was a bad idea.

Anyway back to CO2. It is not harmless. It is harmless to humans in relatively small concentrations. When it displaces oxygen, then it becomes harmful.

...get a hobby kid, you have too much time on your hands for pointless crap like this.

including humans, would we miss the opportunity at building settlements on the Moon, Mars, and beyond and all die when an asteroid hits Earth and kill everyone?