> How would you describe the warming of the planet from 1960 to present?

How would you describe the warming of the planet from 1960 to present?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As someone who grew up in the 1970s, I did enjoy ice fishing but I enjoy the spring and summer more.

F. Fantastic.

Aliens started their invasion of earth 1977 by implementing a ALIEN Organism that created Global Warming and in July 2012 My Triple Output solution was implemented on a hostile continent to help feed their people better and at the same time shut down the true Global Warming location of which our Satelights reported ICE ACCUMULATION 11/28/2013. Oceans have been rising because an Arab in Arabia had been paying Dubois World $10 Billion a year to pour hundreds of millions of tons of dry land sand into saltwater and this is whats been making all the oceans rise over all dry land on earth. I through the Leaders have been able to put Duboiss World into reverse, but now i hear other countries are being paid by this Arab to do what dubois world has been doing/ also he's been sending muslims to each country to populate and work in communications/ internet services to stop out going information and when they get the word from this same Arab that obama talked to on his blueberry the first day he stepped into the oval office in America. Each will murder all who are not muslim born to make all Earth muslim. Mike

C and D certainly; E can't be ruled out.

Regargless of the cause, that trend is obviously significant. What is alarming is that there are so many who (either deliberately or because they lack the capacity) don't understand what the graph is saying or that increasing ghg's is the only credible explanation.

These people have the vote and politicians, who find it difficult to focus beyond the next election, will be unable to take the necessary action.

The laws of physics are not decided at the ballot box; that's what's alarming.

D) Alarming

Just from the way the winters were when I was child they have changed drastically . The ground was usually covered with snow from December until March. Now we only get one or two snows that amount to anything. The streams that I fished have almost dried up with only a very small trickle of water, not enough to sustain fish.

(F) bull

when my grandfather was a kid they much more snow and cold weather

he even had pics of people taking horse drawn wagons on ice to islands a mile out in the ocean

why is all that ignored?

yes there is warming but it is a natural thing

Really extended yourself with this one.

F) Expected, given what we know about the effect of CO2 on the radiative balance of the planet.

A nothing changed .

Burn all the babiez lol


From 1960 to about 1980 the planet’s temperature was pretty much riding the zero line. From 1980 to present the temperature has risen to about 0.4°C, down from about 0.6°C at its peak. How would you describe this warming and why?

Warming 1960 to Present


(A) Yawn

(B) A bump in the road

(C) This is statistically significant warming

(D) Alarming

(E) Catastrophic warming, a world cataclysm
