> Has any one noticed a decrease in the bat population in your are?

Has any one noticed a decrease in the bat population in your are?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
White-nose disease affects the bats in parts of the U.S. It is of concern to ecologists and farmers.

A nature observer I know thinks the dragonflies have increased in her garden, they are voracious carnivores.

Here is a map of white-nose locations:

My sister in law and family just got back from Carlsbad Caverns. They said that the rangers said it has been a little "droughty" so the bat population was down. I don't know if there are other reasons. Here in Southern California, bats are rare. I hardly ever see them and that is consistent for the last 20 plus years I have been here.

Edit: I went on my normal run this morning (now Friday) down by the San Gabriel River and amazingly I saw 4 bats which is probably a record for me and I go out all the time in the pre-dawn.

Yes, I have noticed a decrease in the bat population in our area.

Yes, there is a disease (White-nose syndrome) killing bats by the millions.

They have all gone to Washington DC.

I remember as a child over the summer there would be bats swarming around street lamps most of the summer, but now I actually work outside during the night and I've noticed only a hand full of bats all summer. Where have all the bats gone? also there is no shortage of small flying insects in my community as a matter of fact they seem to be a bit out of control.