> How does acid rain affect the climate?

How does acid rain affect the climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It has a cooling effect since sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen and water to form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid reflects sunlight.

The effects of acid rain are widely known. This article will provide some information. Acid rain contains a pH of less than4 and is produced by rain water falling through volcanic emissions. Acid rain describes any form of precipitation with high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids. Acid rain has many ecological effects, but none is greater than its impact on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. Acid rain makes waters acidic and causes them to absorb the aluminum that makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. It also damages forests, especially those at higher elevations. Acid rain flows into streams, lakes, and marshes after falling on forests, fields, buildings, and roads. Acid rain also falls directly on aquatic habitats.

It doesn't. Back in the eighties in upper New York, extensive studies were made as to acid rain as it was prevalent. They found out, by ground core studies, that this area had acid rain when Christ walked on the earth. Thus man was not responsible for the acid rain. This was before there were factories (unless the Mohicans smuggled some in without our knowing it.). This was before SUVs. This was even before Al Gore invented the internet.

Thus we can easily see that acid rain does not affect the climate but the climate does affect acid rain.

It has been proven to damage plant life, huge tracts of forest in Germany and Europe died through UK Power station emissions. resulting in modifications to reduce sulphur and nitric acid (NOX) outputs.