> Can they cancel school tmw?

Can they cancel school tmw?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
it might be 7 degrees tmw and can they cancel school

They can.

But they won't.

Schools can be canceled due to cold weather but it has to be below zero. The ideal temperature for school to be canceled is around 15 degrees below zero. Schools must cancel school because it is unsafe for kids to be out in that kind of weather. 35 degrees below zero can actually freeze your skin within minutes.

Why don't you help it along by calling the school and tell them you will plant a bomb unless the cancel school. That's a perfectly reasonable act.

Where I lived when I went to school, we had school in 29 below zero F. I'm sure in Alaska they would never have school if there were such restrictions. It all depends on your local school board.

it might be 7 degrees tmw and can they cancel school