> GOBAL WARMING DENIERS, why's you only post data or info frum conservative blogs or links stuff?

GOBAL WARMING DENIERS, why's you only post data or info frum conservative blogs or links stuff?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because they don't care about the truth, only denialist lies. I don't think they can handle the truth.

The truth is where you find it. Wasn't it the conservative blogs that said we were being bamboozled with ObamaCare long before Gruber admitted it? Wasn't it the conservative blogs that pointed out that the statement, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," was an outright lie?

Why would you listen to a source that is only out to fool you?

Quote by Ross Gelbsan, former journalist: “Not only do journalists not have a responsibility to report what skeptical scientists have to say about global warming. They have a responsibility not to report what these scientists say.”

Why would you even consider a blog that overtly has the suppression of truth as a tenet? Go ahead and believe your lies and live in unreality, but I will choose truth and sanity any day.

"whys you only post data or info frum......". Judging by your 'Mastery' of the English language, I take it you are a dropout??

Skeptics draw from all sources of information/data and expert opinion. Warmers DENY that data showing them wrong has any credibility.

Why do you warmers think referencing the Jewish holocaust gives you a stronger case?

Darwinist :- It's also an extremely silly thing to run around chanting as if in a playground.

''denier denier your pants are on fire''

Well there is "why is it you" then there is "why's you" there is from or "frum"

I prefer to post from science links that are unbiased, and know how to spell and use grammar.

Because liberals make a lot of money trying to affirm global warming