> Example of things a country can do to do less pollution?

Example of things a country can do to do less pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
please answer i'm desperate

Awesome question. Well, countries can have regulations on the amount of pollutants a business can use. The government can actually enforce a lot of restrictions. For example, Mexico City only lets you drive your car six days a week, and they have a way to identify whether or not you should be driving based on your license plate. Also, the government can have environmental subsidies and pay for research in renewable and/or clean resources. For example, 20% of the U.S,'s electricity comes from nuclear energy. The government can fund research on nuclear energy (or even more than they are doing now) and hope to increase it to that of France's nuclear capabilities (77%). The same goes for wind, tidal, solar, etc. A government can also come together and sign something making a pact to not pollute very often (Kyoto Protocol). They can also use biomass to produce energy; Iceland does a lot of that. This is how a country can do to lower the amount of pollution.

By country do you mean the people of that country or the government of that country?

People: Use less energy derived from carbon based fuels.

Governments: Tax the heck out of carbon based fuels, and anything imported that was made/transported with carbon based fuels.

Example: Say we put a $5 a gallon tax on gasoline. How many gasoline powered boats would you see out on the lakes just joy riding around? How many Harleys out on the roads just cruising nowhere? Add the $5/gallon tax to diesel fuel and jet fuel and you will see fewer trucks, trains, airplanes, etc. too. Add the $5 tax to each 10 pounds of coal and watch how people start conserving electric from coal power plants.

Utilities will start building nuclear, wind and solar plants instead. People will start riding bikes, paddling canoes, and just plain walking to where they want to go. The air, water and land will be cleaner.

Build better roads. A car that is stopped or idling pollutes at least twenty times more than a car that is driving down the road at over 1500 RPM.

Build more hydro-electric dams.

ride horses

please answer i'm desperate