> Describe how global warming occurs!?

Describe how global warming occurs!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
heat from mr sun

Gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor, reflect certain wavelengths of light from the sun back to the surface of the earth, instead of letting them escape into space. This greenhouse effect traps heat at the surface that keeps the planet about 34 degrees celcius warmer than it would otherwise be. Svante Arrhenius, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, created the first model to predict the effect greenhouse gasses would have on global temperature. The Swedish chemist theorized that a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations would raise global temperatures by 5-6° Celsius.

Global warming is a recently evolved, insidious anthropogenic disaster. It is the documented historical warming of Earth's near-surface temperature. Global warming came into existence in mid 20th century and has been progressing at an unprecedented rate ever since. Global warming is sometimes used synonymously with the term "climate change". However a basic difference exists between the two. Climate change is identified state of change of climate which persists for a decade or longer, whereas Global warming is the combined effect of man made green house gases and change in solar irradiance. Global warming has emerged as a humongous problem facing the fast and ever growing world.

Speech about Causes of Global Warming and Mechanism

As mentioned earlier, it is a combined effect. Over the years of development of new and improved products for living, their has been a neglected, unwanted rise in gases that are causing gradual destruction of the protective blanket around our globe i.e. the Ozone layer. Global warming is an uncalled for event following employment of harmful greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), , Methane (CH4), and aerosols such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), Hydrocarbons (CHC), etc.

These gases form O. free radicals which combine with Ozone and convert it to O2 and other non-protective gases. Thus solar energy which was impermeable to the Earth's atmosphere due to the unyielding Ozone layer is clear of all the obstacles.

Speech about Effects and Control of Global Warming

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the decade of the 2000s (2000–2009) is the warmest on record. The global mean surface temperature for 2009 is currently estimated at 0.44°C/0.79°F above the 1961-1990 annual average of 14.00°C/57.20°F. Global warming is a potential health hazard.

Basically, short version, it's like this.

We put CO2 in the air. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means it lets visible light through, but tends to stop infrared light.

Most of the light coming in from the sun is visible light. It hits the Earth, gets absorbed, and is reemitted as infrared light. Then it goes back out, but the CO2 in the air stops it (or, more accurately, slows it down), so the Earth ends up considerably warmer than it would otherwise be.

Kind of like putting a thicker blanket on your bed, the more CO2 in the air, the more heat the air will retain. Since we're adding CO2 to the air, the planet is warming.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

Hello,my friend. I had an idea and I want to share it to you. Why is that global warming occurs? We,people,produce waste materials when we are doing our daily household chores and when producing or making materials and products from the factory. As a result,the carbon dioxide that is produced by factories,will eventually rise up in the air. When we're burning plastics,the C02 or carbon dioxide will mix up in the air.

Based on a research,the ozone hole found at Antarctica,is as big as the United States and the hole is caused by CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons that is found at man-made machines such as refrigerators and air conditioners. The sun rays will be trapped by the carbon dioxide when it will escape,because our ozone layer is full of carbon dioxide. Without trees,carbon dioxide will be increasing and it can cause global warming. Our climate is now changing. Violent storms and hurricanes are destroying lives and properties.

So,we,must take care of our environment and keep on planting trees.

Thank you and I hope that you'll be happy to my answer.

It occurs when Chuck Norris farts :3

I like Ron's answer. Here is my answer in overly simplified terms: Creating CO2 at the present rate and destroying rainforests at present rate is the equivalent of closing the garage door and starting the car.