> Could life survive if Earth had less water?

Could life survive if Earth had less water?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If Earths had 30% surface water and 70% land could life survive at all?

I know it would be hotter and colder but would weather systems still occur?

Not likely Keep in mind that the majority of water on earth is salt water and the potable surface water we have now is not enough to keep all areas of the planet with water for drinking and water for irrigation Currently,@ 90% of all the potable surface and aquifer reserves are used for farming for irrigation and livestock needs.

many areas are running low on water, especially Africa and Asia Even the US southwest and California are low on water reserves and these areas have had significant drought and low precipitation the last few years Australia is experiencing severe drought conditions as well

The US Great lakes hold @ 18% of the worlds potable water but are only replenished by rain and snow to the tune of 1% each year

If Earth had 30% surface water and 70% land, I doubt that the climate would be as stable as it is now. But I wouldn't know what the minimum amount of water needed to support life would be.

Yes weather systems still occur, even mars which has no liquid water at all, has weather systems. [1]

I agree with Jim Z on this one as it is ignorant to think of human life as being the only life form on this planet

Of course life could survive. There are extremophiles that live miles deep that wouldn't even be affected. It is hard to say what the effect would be on surface life or human life. It probably wouldn't be good.

Probably not. Thats why the earth has more water than land.

Yes, but it wouldn't be as rich and productive, and many areas would be a barren wasteland

If Earths had 30% surface water and 70% land could life survive at all?

I know it would be hotter and colder but would weather systems still occur?