> Climate change, who is guilty?

Climate change, who is guilty?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Australians have already paid a very dear price in voting Tony Abbott out of office. The carbon taxes were paid by Australians. Perhaps Tony Abbott shouldn't have been so solicitous of environmentalists earlier on. It took many years to correct that mistake.

None of those events have been proven to be caused by Climate change . No proof . Its a scam to redistrubute

the wealth . They are talking about low and high damage

at the Poland con artist convention .

Its a den of thieves .

I will say it again, and I will keep saying:

Nobody. Is. The. Direct. Reason. For. Global. Warming.

The fact that humans think they are the real cause of global warming is because we are pretty arrogant. 'O yeah, we are so awesome, we can destroy the planet if we wanted to!' 'O yeah, we are so cool, we can talk, we are way way way better than stupid animals (animals are awesome)'

So, whilst being arrogant, we try to find reasons why 'we' caused it: To much CO2 emmision, too many cars, too much oil consumption, not enough alternative power sources. Etc.

But did we actually try to find a real reason behind all this? Yes, since we motorised our production, climate seemed to go from bad to worse. But we, as humans, don't see the big picture. Why? Because we only live for like 100 years. Geological processes take place in a timespan of millions of years. Of course we can't imagine what happens.

So what does happen? And what will happen next? Well, every geological process on earth is 'Balanced'. Meaning: If one process does something, another process will eventually reverse the effects of the first process. If you have a climate factor that cause a specie of animals to extinct, the specie will adapt (thus reverse the effects) so balance will be restored.

But what does that have to do with the climate 'changes' of today's world? Saying that: 'when humans started their way of life, the balance tipped over and now the world will go to pieces.' Again. That's arrogant. Even though it seems like humans destroyed the balance, there still is a balance. But it has not yet taken place. Diseases that only occur on humans? How do you think they got here in the first place? It's a reverse process to balance the Human population. As Newton already said: Action is (negative) Reaction.

Well, over the past millions of years, until like 4,5 billion years ago, climate has changed numerous times. But in the last couple of million years, you can see some sort of balance as we have today. But it's not a straight line, the climate (temperature average). No, it's a wave. /\/\/\/\/\/\/ going up and down. What do I mean? There are geological processes that either cause the temperature to rise or to drop. Thought that the temperature of today's world was only going to rise? Think again. Balance will restore itself. It's not going to change just because of humans. (except when we destroy the world with atom bombs, that's a new thing.) So those processes keep happening and keep balanced.

What am I talking about? Well, first of all, you have Global Warming. Which is not 'New' but is already ancient. You see, carbon dioxide and Methane, the biggest greenhouse gas, were trapped in ice, deep under water. But, as it became warmer since the sun heated the planet, it melted, and now in a increasing speed, travels to the surface and gets into the air. There, it boosts the global warming even more. So will it continue forever? No. You see, global warming has a opponent. Which is: Global Ice age. I'm not joking. Ice ages are the other extreme. Well, after the temperature has risen to levels even the poles start to melt, all that cold water enters the oceans.

You see, the fact that you have warm weather at some point, is because a gulfstream, a warm, tropical one, brings the warm weather to you. If cold water, which is not salt, meets a gulfstream, it interrupts it, stopping warmth from reaching other places that are not naturally warmed. (the water I'm talking about originally came from tropical areas, were it was warmed up. Also one of those balance stuff. Warm water travels to cold places, cools down and than travels back).

But what kind of impact does it have on a certain area. Well, the tropical areas won't feel the effects immediately, but areas like Europe do. When the gulfstream is gone, the warmth provide by the sun and the earth's core is not sufficient to keep the temperature high. Temperature will drop again. Also, the greenhouse gasses will 'rain' down, causing rocks to absorb them, decreasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, thus causing a global cooldown. Of course, the process can stop at all times, but this process could entirely reverse the Global warming process and start a new ice age.

The only thing we don't see is that it takes a long time for such situation to develop.

So, my opinion: We did not cause it, but we do INFLUENCE it.

I feel your pain.The more aware one is the stronger the feeling of guilt. At times I can even envy the blind simplicity found in the denial of human caused climate change.

If we are not all guilty,we will surely all pay the price for ignoring the problem.It would help, I think, if sites like this would get beyond the religion and the politics and take personal responsibility

The real culprits are morons that believe politicians can lower the sea level. We had those idiots install a Marxist Alynskiite named Obama. It didn't do anything to the sea levels but it sure destroyed our economy, stole from our grandchildren, emboldened our enemies, and lowered the standing the US. I say to all Marxists, the world has suffered enough for your idiocy. It is high time you inform yourself and stop believing whatever the state spoon feeds you.

Congratulations Australia I applaud them, the first country to shake off the bullsh!t propaganda and come to their senses.

May their economy grow and their people prosper

YOU are guilty for being so gullible, for being a true believer in this obvious man-made Global Warming SCAM. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted over the last 30 years of this FRAUD. Our children have been targeted by the propaganda and needlessly frightened into sleepless nights and it's people like YOU that are responsible.

Do some research, pull your head out of the sand. Wake up and smell the coffee, the world has been cooling for at least 14 years and there was NEVER any man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It seems you have little knowledge of the matter, and merely want to rant about politicians; HOWEVER:

1. the planet has been BOTH warmer and cooler that it is currently.

2. man complained about 'global cooling' then when that didn't happen as predicted, 'global warming' which is also not happening as predicted; so they changed it to 'climate change' so that ANY change qualifies.

3. the general idea is to control the people through 'fear of change' allegedly caused by man, when the MAJORITY of change is perfectly normal when looked at over a planetary lifetime time scale rather than man's lifetime time scale.

Australia has been paying a price for AGW heat waves, Drought, Flooding, Forest fires. In fact the whole Southeast Asia has experienced difficulty. Most intelligent people accept the reality of AGW but it is a few professional DA deniers fueled by big oil and coal who refuse to take responsibility, and refuse to accept human responsibility. Then you have the lay DA deniers who allow themselves to be led around by their noses and follow the denier pied pipers.

This hodgepodge of cretins are a bunch of non science fools who refuse to accept reality. Fortunately they are in the minority and regardless of their ignorance, AGW continues. Rge sad thing is that they influence other weak minded folks and the more influence they have, the longer it takes those to reduce their carbon footprint. So, not only don't they understand, they continue to burn carbon like it is going out of style and they are seriously bad for the planet. it is primarily western and developed nations who are responsible for emissions, but China emits the most CO2 and India is gaining fast. US is #2

Perhaps democracy is not your preferred method of political structure.

In Australia you have a loud mouth Tony Abbott as Prime minister who is in denial of climate change, I wonder who is greasing his palms?????.

Massive forest fires raging in Australia, Typhoo`s destroying the Philippines, Ice caps melting, global oceans rising.

But the real culprits are the morons who voted him and politicians like him into power. I always had great respect for the Australian people. I am sorry to say that has vanished.

I say this to All Australians you will pay a very dear price for your stupidity.

Nobody. It is 100% natural

G W Bush

or was it

Chicken Little......

The sky is falling..

The sky is falling..

all the humans, and all the human acts, I think.