> Climate Experts believe the next Ice Age is on it's way?

Climate Experts believe the next Ice Age is on it's way?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the 1970's --- is this what Climate Experts believed?

And do you want to hear the cause of the Ice Age. . . . .wait for it . . . . . .CO2!

Life magazine of January 30, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

Of course, you have people on here like Jeff M who vehemently denies this part of history.

Notice Lenard's voice saying the old scare tactic, "Some scientists say this Ice Age could be upon us sooner than anyone expected." Now doesn't that frost the Dorksters britches?

Well we don't really know what "climate experts" believe at any one given time because that belief constantly changes as new information comes in.

But at the end of the link below are links to a hundred 40 year old newspaper & news magazine articles telling us what they believed in the early 1970's .


The references in some of the news articles make it obvious that 40 years ago many "climate experts" believed another ice age could be beginning at that time.

40 years ago the CIA was also concerned about a return to an ice age.


Of course the ever present gloom & doom predicting lunatic fringe scientists were just as active 40 years ago as they are now.


But unlike now, people then didn't pay much attention to the predictions of the repent or perish gloom & doomsters.

Well they could've been right, but got the dates wrong, at some time we are going to have another ice age and I don't believe we will be able to predict when, certainly some CO2 is not going to stop it, we had an ice age before in the Ordovician period when CO2 levels were 4000ppm.

So it would not be a bad idea to have some contigency plans, just in case the climate gets cooler.

that's cherry-picking and laughable for a Con to like and repeat a Lib tv show or magazine article.

Also in the 70s Charlton Heston was in a film called Soylent Green, about over population and global warming. Why don't you believe that? Heston was a Republican

Most climate science research in the 1970s projected global warming.


Some studies said that there would be cooling if we increased air pollution by 300%. We passed clean air laws so air pollution didn't increase by 300%.


Some think we should start preparing for it.

According to research by scientists in St. Petersburg, in the world since the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015 can begin the age-old era of the Little Ice Age, and the phase of deep cold snap is expected by 2060.


Climate "experts" also think CAGW is real. The temps are going to do what the temps are going to do.

In the 1970's --- is this what Climate Experts believed?
