> Are October bushfires the result of climate change?

Are October bushfires the result of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Am I going crazy or are the UNFCC spokespeople lying YET AGAIN to advance their agenda?"

Please explain what you think this "agenda" is" Is it thousands of scientists all over the world conspiring to falsify the science in oder to get Australian politicians to shift taxation on wages [1] to taxation on pollution [2]?"

No, you are not GOING crazy.


It is actually much simpler: a lack of basic reading comprehension.

Ask yourself, what is more likely to burn: wet bushes, dry bushes or extremely dry bushes?

Australia 's average temperatures have continued to increase over the past year thereby increasing droughts making much of Australia's environment dry or extremely dry. That in turn increases the likelihood of bushfires.

From your own ABC link: "The World Meteorological Organisation has not established the direct link between this wildfire and climate change yet, but what is absolutely clear is that the science is telling us there are increasing heatwaves in Asia, Europe and Australia," she told CNN."

Yes, bushfires happened before but increased droughts coupled with increased heatwaves increases their likelihood tremendously.

She did not say that the bushfires were caused by climate change - what she did say is this :

"The World Meteorological Organisation has not established the direct link between this wildfire and climate change yet, but what is absolutely clear is that the science is telling us there are increasing heatwaves in Asia, Europe and Australia," she told CNN. "These [heatwaves] will continue. They will continue in their intensity and in their frequency."

Got it???? She did not claim a link.

These types of fires , so early in the season are extremely atypical - I am in the local volunteer fire service & spent the last days fighting them

I would say decidedly yes. Both Australia and th US have been subjected to an increase in both drought and heat/waves more intense and longer lasting than the average before the year 2000. Both conditions contribute to natural bush/forest fires that have been destroying more acreage and occurring more frequently than before. Previously many of the bush fires, particularly in Australia, were caused by human burning, such as prescribed burning. Look through the articles you linked to and you will see cautions over and over for residents to avoid any and all burning

Someone flicked a cigarette out their car window and it proves AGW. Oh look, that dog is panting! More proof of global warming (in spite of the fact that avg temps are declining) There's plenting of good scientific data to explore without drawing dubious conclusions about an otherwise normal event

October bushfires being the result of global warming sounds reasonable. Wood and other plant matter burns better when it is hot and dry.


Your additional details

No one has said that bushfires never happened before.

Madd Maxx

re, your question to which you do not want real answers.

Actually, the cooling lasted 60 times longer than the warming. Although it was the cooling that came first and then the warming.


1994-1998 was not seventeen years.


Yes, I used GISS, and I know about the ad homs that you and Sagebrush use against the GISS. Here is my response to your objections.

(Razzberry sound effects)

Figueres is not a climate expert any more than Al Gore is.

She is simply a career bureaucrat dishing out the same old alarmist crap.

Pay her no mind.

Bush fires are generally caused by broken glass magnifying the sun's rays. Or just someone who is playing with fire and wants to feel like a Fire God.

Lying yet again. And later on after the headlines have subsided, we are told by people that scientists don't say such things, it is just irresponsible people in the media.

Climate change in Australia is much more likely due to the thousands of square miles of forests that have been cut down and the extensive damming and irrigation projects. -and global warming, of course.

The executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, says the fires prove the world is "already paying the price of carbon".


I initially thought about she said and was naturally concerned. But then I decided to think about it and looked for earlier examples of the bushfire season starting early. So I looked through this gem of a website. Google "Trove", the website is http://trove.nla.gov.au/. It has digitised newspaper articles in Australia going back over 100 years. I typed in "October bushfires" and the search results are quoted in this link,


Am I going crazy or are the UNFCC spokespeople lying YET AGAIN to advance their agenda?

There have been bushfires, wildfires, whatever you want to call it since there has bark on trees.

It's actually kind of funny. The man-made Global Warming advocates are so beaten down that all they have to point to is bushfires to 'prove' man-made Global Warming.

In the meantime:

NASA admits Antarctic sea ice extent highest since measurements began in 1979.



Of course, as is everything else that ever happened.



Those fellows would throw their own grandmother under the bus for a cause. Don't listen to them.