> Must nitwit deniers literally plagiarize EVERY question of Dorks?

Must nitwit deniers literally plagiarize EVERY question of Dorks?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think this is the best way. He insists on foolish language, and blocks people from answering, and is apparently very upset that people of whom he disapproves and wishes to block are getting best answers, or even being allowed to post. So every time he asks a question to which people are not allowed to answer, it is best to make it clear that there will be more than one instance of the deniers speaking, all because of him.

Plus I think there were many more than 3 stooges. The best known are Larry Curly and Moe, but the total is much higher. Only the name Shemp comes to mind.

There are two ways you can respond to someone whose views you do not like.

You can rebut their arguments with sound facts and logic or you can put your hands over your ears and shout: "La!, la!, la!, la!, I can't hear you!"

Just to remove any doubt, I put blocking in the latter category.

Also, as Dook has just noticed, blocking does not stop those blocked from asking the same question.

Well I can't answer any of his questions, so I don't know how I'm supposed to try and succeed on the merits of my case.

You're just feeding the troll. Block him and ignore, it works wonders.

So he doesn't understand plagiarism. I have yet to witness any general reference as being cited.

Come on, stop embellishing his ignorance. He just wants to be noticed.

No, it is better called intellectual laziness. It got you failing grades in school, Sage (even if you lied like hell, as you do here). On YA (with help from your fellow anti-science kooks, sock puppets, etc.) it gets you more BAs than scientists who knew more about the subject as teens than you ever will.

"It got you failing grades in school." ?

At least we know who needs some schooling.

It got you again Sage!

You answered your own question.

Yes because he blocks all skeptics.

Yes. It is called entertainment. On TV it is called 'The Three Stooges'. On this site it is called Dork Grifter, Grungo, Climate Realist and Peggy, which all goes to show, That we have more stooges on this site than TV does.

Besides comic relief, it gives intelligent people a chance to respond to inane questions Dork has proposed. Dork blocks people who disagree with him and also gets to give his cohorts a BA.

Also, if Y!A take this question off the site, it has to take Dork's too.