> Is this a good use of climate science?

Is this a good use of climate science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What is the evidence that heat waves become more frequent and extreme? Is heat wave defined as a specific temperature, or a relative one?

It's hard to understand what your point is in asking this question. Personally, I think it is an interesting study from the little bit your link tells about it.

As for why Weber was "brought in," as you say, my guess would be that whoever is the editor at livescience told his staff writer that you should always get some quotes from somebody unrelated to a study, to give it some perspective. He may have been the first climate scientist that the writer could find after interviewing Teng. Most readers would probably also want to know whether more, fewer or about the same number of heat waves are expected in the future.

You do try to make everything seem nefarious, don't you?

EDIT: Oh please, don't use the "It's you, not me" excuse. If that were true then you wouldn't have brought up Weber's comments at all. And I'm quite certain that you like that study, as opposed to studies of AGW, which you don't--isn't that the whole point of your question, to point out a "good" use of climate science, as opposed to the other kind?

Are you ever even honest with yourself? You're clearly not honest in the things you say.

>>Is this a good use of climate science?<<

It is science.

>>Teng also states later on: "It's just the magic of the atmosphere ..." Man, I love that guy.<<

Haiyan Teng is a woman. She received her BA from the University of Peking, so I think it is safe to assume that English is not her native language. Why don’t you hold Deniers to the same standard – like when they repeatedly misuse terms like theory and statistical significance?

>>Hey, if the new research on heat waves is accurate, should they be looking into linking that specific pattern of atmosphere with warming?<<

To do otherwise would be insanely stupid – not to mention very poor science.


Moe –

Investigating a link between two variables involves determining whether there is – or there is not – some interrelationship. Even if a relationship is established that still does not settle things. The task of explaining the relationship still remains.

You should not blindly criticize things (i.e. science) if you do not understand what those things are.

Global Warming ceased to exist 11/28/2012 and all seasons are returning to normal naturally. Global Command/ Mike

I think most climate scientists are like the former and too often a Weber gets involved and this is where the alarmists get confused about their so called consensus IMO.

I have to wonder if steady atmospheric patterns are consistent with unsteady and "extreme" weather patterns.


As Gary F already pointed out, Teng is a woman.

What I do not understand is how that little detail escaped you as the article you link to made that quite clear:

"...Teng and her colleagues...>>

Again reading too fast perhaps?

It seems important as Gary states to ensure cause is attributed to AGW, I mean really why waste time on doing science that is already settled.

It can only be good for climate science.

As far as AGW theory goes--well, that's been put to bed. No one really talks about that anymore.

New research on predicting heat waves:

"New research shows that heat waves are often preceded by a peculiar global weather pattern. Referred to as a wavenumber-5 pattern, it consists of five high-pressure systems evenly distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. This arrangement of the jet stream is more stable than other configurations, and allows areas of heat and high pressure to build up and persist, said Haiyan Teng, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo."

"This concept could lead to better forecasting of heat- wave events, allowing society to better prepare for these types of phenomena," http://www.livescience.com/40722-predicting-heat-waves.html

Teng also states later on: "It's just the magic of the atmosphere ..." Man, I love that guy.

However, another scientist, Jeff Weber, not involved in the study was obviously brought in for AGW statement: "Heat waves are expected to become more frequent and extreme in a warming world". And things were going so swimmingly, oh well.

Hey, if the new research on heat waves is accurate, should they be looking into linking that specific pattern of atmosphere with warming? Maybe that guy Weber is working on it?