> How long till global warming starts killing people?

How long till global warming starts killing people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yeah I mean like the doomsday scenarios where coastal cities are flooded or something.

If it will take centuries then wouldn't we have run out of fuels before anything happens?

better get ready...by all evidence available at this time, we're looking at having ..AT THE MOST...35,000 years before it SLAMS into our lifes

Actually, the flooding of coastal cities is unlikely to kill many people, directly. It will happen slowly enough that the people will be able to evacuate. It will be fricking expensive--we're unlikely to be able to move all the *stuff* in those cities, at least not cost-effectively, and we'll likely have to replace the cities with another nearby city, most of our cities are in places where we need or want a city, so if we lose one to flooding, we'll need to replace it.

And, as several others have pointed out, we may have already lost some lives due to AGW, from things like heat waves and hurricanes that were likely caused, or at least made more likely or worse, by AGW.

To arrive at a global temperature scientists need to average temperatures from all over the world for both day and night.

Research suggests that the poles will warm the most and that the rest of the warming will occur at night time. So unless you live on an icecap and go out a lot at night I think you should be OK.

You can use this map to get an understanding of what areas could be flooded. 7 meters of sea level rise is near the worst case in 400 years. Few major cities would be fully flooded, but some coastal cities will need to invest in massive infrasture to protect against flooding.


As far as killing people, the 2003 heat wave in France/Europe killed 70,000 people. the 2010 heatwave in Russia killed maybe 50,000 people. The 2012 heat wave in the central U.S. killed maybe 100 people. There's always some debate about whether a single event was directly "caused" by global warming but we know that killer heatwaves have become more common and the we now live in a world with a greenhouse effect that is stronger than would be naturally.


Ignore Maxx. He posts videos that he knows are fraudulent. Even the scientists in the video have asked out and said it is a fraud. Their interviews are chopped up dishonestly. Maxx has posted other flat out lies here. You can judge the integrity of all climate change deniers by Maxx.


I challenge Maxx to cite one single active climate researcher who as not specifically called the GWS a fraud, or has not walked away from the comments the video appears to make then say. Svensmark walked way, Spencer and Christy walked away and in fact publish data showing significant warming, Carl Wunsch labeled it a fraud and described the dishonest editing. This is why Maxx never actually quotes a real scientist. Climate Change deniers are not able to cite science.

Maxx, I challenge you.

You are getting completely wrong information from many idiots that have no idea what is going on in the world. Global Warming is directly to do with human activities and technology. The planet has been heating up for some time and the polar ice caps are melting. Floods and increased precipitation are two of the results. There is no cooling. Stupid people don't understand how climate change works and what it means for different regions of the planet. The coastal floods have already happened and more flooding worldwide occurs every year. Stronger more frequent storms move further inland all the time and as a result you have what happened in the northeasten U.S. in 2013 from hurricane Sandy. Worldwide, there are many flooded cities and villages being destroyed. This is only one horrible result of Global Warming. Remember, there are no longer any natural occurrences on the planet. They are all caused by decades of human technology and destruction. This includes mutations, forced evolution, the current 6th mass extinction, toxic pollution, fires, increased storms and tornadoes, earthquakes and also disease. If you want to learn more and look at some photos then go to You are getting completely wrong information from many idiots that have no idea what is going on in the world. Global Warming is directly to do with human activities and technology. The planet has been heating up for some time and the polar ice caps are melting. Floods and increased precipitation are two of the results. There is no cooling. Stupid people don't understand how climate change works and what it means for different regions of the planet. The coastal floods have already happened and more flooding worldwide occurs every year. Stronger more frequent storms move further inland all the time and as a result you have what happened in the northeasten U.S. in 2013 from hurricane Sandy. Worldwide, there are many flooded cities and villages being destroyed. This is only one horrible result of Global Warming. Remember, there are no longer any natural occurrences on the planet. They are all caused by decades of human technology and destruction. This includes mutations, forced evolution, the current 6th mass extinction, toxic pollution, fires, increased storms and tornadoes, earthquakes and also disease. If you want to learn more and look at some photos then go to http://wildcaveman.weebly.com/global-war...

The analogy often used is that of a frog in a pot of water where the temperature is slowly raised till he's boiled to death but the rise is just too slow for him to notice.

People have already died, species have already gone extinct. This year, the Pacific Oyster, Mussel and Scallop farms in Canada have had their entire crop die on them so the produce had to be brought in from Alaska, companies are shutting down because of this. The change will happen in small steps like this, each easily discounted as a coincidence until the cumulative effect can not be denied.

By the time deniers realize how foolish they have been, it will be too late. Personally, I believe it's already too late for anything other than modest and perhaps pointless mitigation of the social impacts.

“If you talk to real scientists who have no political interest, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming. It’s an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people.”

‘Global warming is nonsense’

~Emeritus Professor?Chemical?Thermodynamics Dr.?Leslie Woodcock of the University of Manchester

Nobody has a clue...two days and fifty seven minutes? Alarmist are becoming a Dime a Dozen.

As long as your stupid and ignorant they stand a chance of persuasion.

See "Climate Change and Health", from the World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheet...

It's grim reading.

AGW cultists believe history starts on the day they were born. This is how they claim that today's climate is unprecedented. There is a history of killer heat waves of the past.


How can the AGW cultists explain past killer heat waves if current heat waves are caused by humanity?

Also, flooding, drought, and every catastrophe that the AGW cult is predicting has occurred numerous times throughout history. AGW cannot explain past flooding, droughts, etc. but for some cosmic rationalization these cultists are now claiming this time it is. LOL.

As far as increases in deaths and damage from natural weather related causes is concerned the answer is obvious. The world population is higher so of course deaths will be higher. There are more people and more wealth along coastlines so of course the cost of damage will be more. A majority of people dying from natural disasters worldwide occur in undeveloped and underdeveloped poor regions of the world.

Nothing occurring now is unprecedented. More wealth and higher populations explain the higher numbers of people affected by natural disasters. To suggest otherwise is ignorant.

Peg - Not a single event in your answer was proven to be attributed with climate change. "May have been" is far from proving it was. Your statement is one derived more from a faith than from fact.

No proof extreme storms are caused by climate change .

It will get warm in a few billion years when the Sun shifts to a red giant

Yeah I mean like the doomsday scenarios where coastal cities are flooded or something.

If it will take centuries then wouldn't we have run out of fuels before anything happens?

At least CR put a "probably" before his answer. John W claims it already has. I could more credibly claim it saved more lives assuming we have caused any significant warming which is a big assumption.

It is a known fact that cold kills many more people than heat, global warming if it were to happen would saves lives, green our planet, and increase food crops.

1. It's already happening. Flooding/earthquakes etc.

2. Running out of fuel has nothing to do with the question - so I'm not sure why you mentioned this.

3. If you're saying that running out of fuel will doom us forever - I'm just going to say there's a reason why we are researching alternative/renewable energy.

If you are talking about 'man-made' Global Warming --- it's never going to happen, because there is NO man-made Global Warming.

And it's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It probably already has, in killer heat waves in Russia and India.




Global warming does not cause Earthquakes. Where did that nonsense come from?

Madd Maxx

Baccheus is not a liar. And you don't have to believe anyone who says that you video has been discredited. Just look into it for yourself.

Who's to say that's not already happening? Almost 140,000 people died in Cyclone Nargis in 2008, more than 5000 died from Typhoon Haiyan last year, $60 billion in damage from Superstorm Sandy, These are all storms that may have been exacerbated by global warming.

Climate change has already had it's effects. Large storms are much more frequent and destructive. Reduction in the ozone layer makes cancer much more common. So it's not a bunch of crap like the aging right says.

First lesson, when people are feeding you ********, stop eating. The AGW gravy train must hit the buffers soon and the disasters will all melt away.