> How does global warming cause extreme summers and winters?

How does global warming cause extreme summers and winters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The most important fact of this is the change in ocean currents. If you were to look at temperatures in western europe and canada - both at the same latitude, you will see how much ocean currents play in global climate. Canada averages temperatures just above zero while Europe enjoys mid 50s-60s. Second is the atmospheric circulations. Second is the ocean's warming. As the temperatures of the oceans warm more severe weather related events occur. This has been a trend so far and is increasing. More storms that are stronger.

Extreme weather isn't caused by global warming

"The 30 major droughts of the 20th century were likely natural in all respects; and, hence, they are "indicative of what could also happen in the future," as Narisma et al. state in their concluding paragraph. And happen they will. Consequently, the next time a serious drought takes hold of some part of the world and the likes of Al Gore blame it on the "carbon footprints" of you and your family, ask them why just the opposite of what their hypothesis suggests actually occurred over the course of the 20th century, i.e., why, when the earth warmed - and at a rate and to a degree that they claim was unprecedented overthousands of years - the rate-of-occurrence of severe regional droughts actually declined." (source: CO2 Science)

Whenever there is an extreme weather event, such as a flood or drought, people ask whether that event was caused by global warming. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this question. Weather is highly variable and extreme weather events have always happened. Detecting trends takes time, particularly when observational records are rare or even missing in certain regions. An increase in extreme weather is expected with global warming because rising temperatures affect weather parameters in several ways. Changes in the frequency of extreme events coinciding with global warming have already been observed, and there is increasing evidence that some of these changes are caused by the impacts of human activities on the climate.

Extreme Summer

Global warming is a scam
