> How come Richard Branson and Burt Rutan are partners?

How come Richard Branson and Burt Rutan are partners?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First of all, Kano never said asked if you should believe them about global warming, so why do you all answer that way?

The question asks how come they are partners? Shouldn't someone who denies scientific fact be set aside as stupid? Why would warmist Branson rely on him for things involving science?

GaryF, engineers appear to be more capable than climate scientists at determining if a chart is used upside-down.

Well gosh, how about neither, as neither is qualified to talk about the subject, Branson runs businesses and Rhutan is (as you say) an aeronautical engineer, why not ask some real climate scientists, oh wait, that doesn't work for you does it as there are only a handful in the employ of denier groups that dispute AGW.

It seems a denier standard to try and quote people who have no climate or atmospheric training, you try desperately to suggest warmers do the same with Gore (or more recently George Clooney?) when these are again deniers making up tails.

I also seem to recall one from a while ago which several deniers posted which was an audio of Danny Glover (actor) the claim was he was linking climate change to the earthquake in Haiti, only one small problem if you actually listed to the audio, he was not.

Warmers here rarely quote Gore unless it is to address a point a denier has raised (or invented). Warmers that answer here tend to quote science sources and sadly it's now painfully obvious that deniers have none to even try and quote, but they do have lots and lots and lots of blogs which rather funnily tend to cross quote each other as they also have no real science sources to use, but deniers also turn a blind eye to that as well.

Because no matter what Branson says or does, he knows who the true scientist is. Notice he didn't ask James Hansen for help.

'C' Neither are you a Climate Scientist, so why are you putting your 2 cents worth in?

I do not know that Branson is a warmer and Rutan a denier. Do you have proof? Nevertheless, they have a common goal, which is to get people into space.

I have a business colleague who doesn't believe in AGW. It doesn't make him a bad business colleague.

I wouldn't necessarily believe anything either Branson or Rutan have to say about any subject beyond their area of expertise.

You are looking for answers in all of the wrong places if you are not listening to the climate scientists concerning AGW and you are only concerned about others think on the subject.

>>which are you most likely to believe a super financial entrepreneur or a superb aeronautical engineer?<<

If you mean about global warming, that is not enough information since neither has education, training, or experience in climate science.

In fact, I'd probably be less likely to believe the engineer since he probably thinks he knows everything just because he is an engineer.

When two people have the same opinions on every topic one of them is superfluous. My wife and I disagree about a lot of things but we get along quite well on the things that really matter. Global warming does not matter all that much in their business.

Neither is a climate scientist so why waste our time by posting here

Being an engineer doesn't mean you know a single thing about climate.

Being a billionaire doesn't mean you know a single thing about climate, either.

They're probably partners because they both know something about aviation.

in Virgin Galatic, when Branson is a warmer and Rutan a denier, which begs the question which are you most likely to believe a super financial entrepreneur or a superb aeronautical engineer?

The prospect of money can make for strange bedfellows.