> Do global warming alarmists believe?

Do global warming alarmists believe?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
hat wishing both sides festive greetings and a happy new year is incorrect behaviour?

Some sick person reported my question and had it deleted.

When AGW is their religion then all other religions and associated events like this holiday are a threat to them. In their sick minds the only sense of morality that can be allowed to exist is their own. They will not tolerate the competition of ideas.


Wishing one festive greetings should be a common courtesy. Just because someone has different thought processes than you should not preclude you from offering them this common courtesy. Even in true battlefield conditions, there are times when courtesy and respect is given to your opponent. What we do here is not a blood letting among us. We should be able to at least show some civility among ourselves.

I wish to thank you again, Kano, for your kind festive greeting to us all. As I have said, I have always considered you as being a gentleman.

I think the overwhelming majority of people here would sympathise, but it only takes one to report.

It isn't fair to assume this is just done by alarmists; I had a similar question deleted last year.

I can't speak for 'alarmists' but I don't doubt there are people on both sides of the argument who report whatever they can to have questions and comments deleted and given the relatively free access to this forum there are likely to be some who feel that the greeting was 'politically incorrect' in one way or another. Look at the U.S. media where there was recently a minor firestorm among conservatives who claimed, among other things, that Santa Claus and Jesus were both white and that a situation comedy that proclaimed 'Festivus for the Restofus' was inappropriate and not funny. I didn't see the question you refer to, but given the recent brouhaha someone may have taken offense if you used the term 'festive greetings' because of that alone because they felt it referred to 'Festivus for the Restofus.' Total speculation on my part, other than the fact that some people are strange.

Nonetheless, I don't think Y/A favors one side or the other in the argument in terms of deletions, etc, but they do address reported issues according to TOS, so a technicality such as being off topic enough to offer holiday greetings might be something they would enforce...it sure would be hard to enforce the 'no insults' clause considering how about 85% of the questions, answers and comments in this category of Y/A contain insults, either indirect or direct.

In at least some limited respects, I agree with C's comment that there are "no" alarmists here. I don't consider the vast majority of regular participants here or many of the past participants 'alarmists.' On the other hand, neither do I agree with the way some individuals are so readily pronounced 'deniers.' I do think there are some straight up liars, and in my opinion when those lies are continually repeated that is a qualifier for the label of denier; in the instance of alarm, I believe the best example of that remains the tearful commercial pleading for the poor polar bears. But both sides can be equally emotional, and I believe that distorts reality, truth and the tendency to apply labels to opposing views...speaking of labels, specifically labeling some as 'emotional,' etc. is often something I read and go geez, buddy, look in the MIRROR. Haha. But that is true of all sorts of accusations, from emotion to behavior that is labeled hypocritical. And it is also true that we are all subject to our emotions from time to time...and it is also true that when it comes to labels in this forum, accusations and name calling that it is a chicken and egg situation. Finally, it is true that some people just come here to try to raise other people's dander for entertainment or because they have some sort of emotional disorder, from anger to just being bullies.

Personally, I see no harm in a holiday greeting here or elsewhere, and to specifically answer your question, no, even among the population of 'alarmists' however you define them, for the vast majority a holiday greeting is not incorrect behavior. However, for some it may be an opportunity to hit back at someone they disagree with because they have emotional issues, as do people who are in denial about virtually any matter, personal or otherwise.

I don't think it was a bad thing and there are certainly a lot of posts that should be removed that aren't

Honestly I reported that butthead who posts the shopping links 4 times and they still left his posts up and continue to let him post the links

They persecute the good and let the morons continue to post

BTW there are no alarmists here

All would like to enjoy a happy New Year but in different ways.

Green: affordable and sustainable

Other: affordable

I don't agree with deleting unless it's consistent personal attacks. in this case, it's very petty.

Coming from the other side it is, because they could never afford to be so magnanimous and it shows.

Deleting answers is but a sign of their insecurity in their position .

Reporting a question for wishing Merry Christmas on Christmas day is beyond petty.

Warmists are so hungry for any way to strike back. They are a sad bunch.


Ha! Ha! You should see my lists of removed questions and answers. It is obvious that Yahoo doesn't know that when you put a '?' that means it is a question. I know Yahoo is struggling to prove GW so I consider it a badge of honor to be removed.

I just had one removed that took Peggy the school marm to task, it was honest, it was logical and it totally rebutted her inane thinking. No question as to who reported that. Ha! Ha!

I had another one removed that I copied and pasted of Dork's question. When I informed Yahoo, they had to go out and delete his question, also. He came back crying that it was unfair. Ha! Ha!

That is all the greenies have left, lying, removing Questions and Answers, and Yahoo. That is Environmental Science in it's highest form. Ha! Ha!

that wishing both sides festive greetings and a happy new year is incorrect behaviour?

Some sick person reported my question and had it deleted.