> Could someone give me a summary of climate change?

Could someone give me a summary of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere and warms up the Earth's surface. The only way for it to escape back into space is when the ground radiates it into space as infra-red radiation (heat waves). The problem is that CO2 in the atmosphere reflects some infra-red, causing it to bounce back down to the Earth's surface, causing the Earth's ground and lower atmosphere to become warmer. We know that carbon dioxide reflects heat because simple laboratory experiments confirmed it long ago. Satellites in orbit can also measure infra-red leaving the Earth's, and it's declining. The declines in outgoing radiation are in the exact same wavelengths known to be absorbed and reflected by CO2 and methane, providing further evidence as to this being the reason for the Earth is getting warmer.

The consequence of global warming isn't just hotter temperatures. The Earth's climate is a complex system with many different feedbacks and interactions, and climate itself can also change - meaning more rain in places, less rain in other places, possibly even more temporary cold snaps. Global warming and climate change refer to the same basic idea, but global warming is the cause and climate change is the actual effect that scientists are concerned about.

The Sun dominates, usually due to changes in the Earth's orientation and orbit, but also with the Sun's amount of radiation. But over the last 50 years of so, the Earth's temperature has increased, even as the Sun is less bright, but CO2 is higher. See Wikipedia.

Crocoduck has the theory right, but the facts wrong, actually outgoing radiation is increasing


kano is obviouly wrong as demonstrated by venus.

nasa has good summary


greehouses gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response

Climate change is a generic term. Global warming is more specific.

There isn't anyone up to date who believes in 'Global Warming'. Even its supporters know it isn't true so now they terrify you with words like 'Climate Change'. Would someone out there quantify Climate Change? Define it clearly enough so that we can test it. I lived in a small town and there were some kids who believed in the 'Boogy Man' who lived under the bridge. I lived not too far from that bridge and being the naive little kid that I was went down there many times to see what this Boogy Man looked like. Never did see that man but I did see young lovers down there. Do you think someone started that rumor to chase us pests off? However, I had several friends who say they saw that Boogy Man even into their teens.

You see it boils down to this. If you make up a lie a certain percent of the people will believe it. Now if an official of the government helps that lie along even more people will believe it. If unscrupulous but seemingly authentic experts support it then even more people will people will believe it. Hitler and Stalin brought this lying to a fine art or an exact science, if you will. Hitler laughed about it and stated in his book Mien Kampf "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the masses of the people will believe it." This science of lying is used by propagandists and admen alike to this day and the same percentage of people fall for it. People on Madison Avenue make a living making you feel better about using a certain product even if it isn't any better than another.

People still belonged to the Flat Earth Society even after a picture of Earth taken from a spaceship was shown to them. And that was how many years after Galileo?

Even Abraham Lincoln knew about this exact formula when he said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." But these Hucksters like Al Gore keep trying because they unquestionably get rich by lying to us.

Then the real identification as to who the liars are is when they start calling you names. My dad said, "You know you have won the argument when they start calling you names."

If you want to be fooled by these propagandists that's alright by me but keep you hands out of my pocket and give us our liberties back.

Religion as defined by Dictionary.com: "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. "

Set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe: It would seem that AGW would fit that.

and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs: It would seem that AGW would fit that.

AGW is a theory. Theory is not a fact. It is merely a brain exercise to lead one to prove a theory out as a truth or a falsity using substantive data and logic.

There are many theories that are now considered to be a truth because they can be reliably performed in a laboratory an an equivalent. They have been precisely defined and when acted upon the outcome is predictable.

The theory of Relativity is still a theory and parts of that have proven false. But is it a religion? It contains no 'moral code'. Einstein never forced anyone of us to alter our lives. And Einstein never got rich from his theory.

That is not true for the 'High Priest' Al Gore. He takes that shoddy undefined theory and makes us all pay obeisance to his ways and makes us pay for it with time, money and ripping away our liberties.

That's what sets true science apart from pseudo-science, or religion, nobody has to be force into believing true science. In fact true science is readily accepted by mankind as a whole because of it obvious and natural benefit to society.