> Climate researchers have an obligation?

Climate researchers have an obligation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Truth is an interesting word.

Does it mean not telling lies or does it mean telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

For a good alarmist example, we need look no further than An Inconvenient Truth. Remember how Gore highlighted the relationship between CO2 and temperature. Did he actually say that CO2 caused the temperature increase? No. He pointed to the continents of the earth having matching shapes. Then he said it is kind of complicated. Then he asked do they ever fit together and said he had not heard of anything so ridiculous (apologies, this is from memory).

So no lies but was the whole truth conveyed that temperature changes precede CO2 changes? I think not.

If climate researchers say that the warming plateau is nothing more than a tempory pause in the warming and turn out to be wrong, at a future date, we will have something to celebrate.

If climate researchers say that the warming plateau is the end of the warming and turn out to be wrong, at a future date, millions of people will die needlessly.

We can not assume that the danger is over, until we know all the facts. What makes anyone think that the Warming Plateau is not due to a natural cycle, like PDO or the Sun, and not due to the Asian brown cloud?


So you assUme.

that should also apply to journalists who often distort what the science says. The plateau is greatly exaggerated while the planet as a whole is still warming up. Why is it that the 'plateau' is highlighted while the long term trend going up is not? This is misleading at best.

The really good articles are in the science journals, not the media and certainly not in blogs.

"Climate researchers have an obligation? not to environmental policy but to the truth,"

OKKKK....do you actually understand what that means?

The "climate researchers" publish papers on their research. Which ones have you found to be untrue? If you dont know that any are untrue then why ask this question?

HOG WASH = Global Command/ Mike

"Climate researchers have an obligation?"

You seem to think climate scientists always have an obligation to compare temperatures to temperatures in the year 1998.

Interesting they don't link to any data, but they do seem to pull data out of their **** There is no AGW plateau just like there haven't been 18 years of cooling.

yes , they need to pack up and go home , be a good looser and go home

not to environmental policy but to the truth,

This quote comes from an article in Spiegel Online entitled Warming Plateau? Climatologists Face Inconvenient Truth. Good article.
