> Can you get sick when the climate changes?

Can you get sick when the climate changes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes I am also got sick for climate changes the body really increasing the heat the keep normal temp from the outside climate if its too cold the body heat will increase that's way you feel like this go to the doctor and take medicine and enjoy the happy life

You don't say how long between when you left and when you started to feel sick, heat stroke is possible if it's only a short time but the onset is usually soon after the actual heat and unless you have some other illness or problem '96' is not warm enough (usually) to cause a problem to a fit healthy person unless you stayed out in the sun a long time or didn't drink any water.

As one of your other answers said it sounds more like a food related issue, in any case rather than faffing about on Answers, if you are really ill you should see a Doctor and find out for sure.

My brother goes to CO from CT and he gets Mountain Sickness. He swells up. It don't bother me and I was skeptical but he don't lie and I found out about Mountain Sickness. So I guess you can get sick from changing environments even if it has never happened to me.

NO, It sounds more like something you ate that did'nt agree with you. Mike

You probably caught something on the plane.

So I live Illinois but last week I was in Florida and we just got home today now right now in Illinois it's 69 but while I was in Florida it was like 96 so when I got home I was fine but about a half hour ago I started to feel sick so I took a shower and I started gagging after I took a shower I went to lay down but I felt an urge to throw up so I did about three heaves and now I feel fine so did I get sick b cuz of the climate change