> Are the fish swimming easier in the Great Lakes?

Are the fish swimming easier in the Great Lakes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I used to ice fish in South Dakota and have surf fished here in So Cal. I even caught a shark with sand shrimps on Newport Beach which gathered quite a bunch of surfers. It seems that South Dakota is having a return to the ice thicknesses of the 1970s when I grew up. How I miss those below zero days waiting on the ice for my tip up to go off and catch a 4 pound walleye. I think I would freeze to death if I tried it now.

You ever notice the alarmists just attack the source and never present arguments.

Yes I read that stupid global warming paper predicting fish will have to swim harder because of more waves created by Global Warming, stupid predictions like that aren't worth the paper they are printed on now that the world is cooling. Winter storms make waves that travel across hemispheres.

Such an incredibly stupid study, don't they even understand that fish move around, if the waves are too rough they move to where they are not.

When surf fishing you get to understand what kind of waves fish like, and fish there, if it is too calm or too rough, no fish no catch.

Here is a link to the article http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0SO8xrbO...

WUWT is a useless site to link to. All the denier BS about fish having difficulty swimming. If any one of you deniers had a brain, you might realize this could make it difficult for fish to locate their food source and that predators are likely moving much faster

ever heard of ice fishing?

Wattsup is based on anti-science lies. Try another link.

now that ice is at record levels, there shouldn't be many waves for the fish to swim in.

