> What impacts does climate change have on energy supply and consumption?

What impacts does climate change have on energy supply and consumption?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Except where biofuels of some sort are in use (including low-tech biofuels like firewood), I don't think climate change has much of an impact on energy supply, at least not directly. Attempts to mitigate climate change have lead to changes in sourcing for our energy supply, but those are due to conscious human action, not direct results of the climate change.

Warming will tend to increase summer energy consumption, and decrease winter energy consumption, because of heating and cooling. In most industrialized nations, I think the summer increase exceeds the winter decrease, because heating tends to be more energy efficient than cooling.

There may also be assorted idiosyncratic effects, such as changes in driving behavior due to warmer weather, changes in snow plow use, and so on.

Climate change is already beginning to transform life on Earth. Around the globe, seasons are shifting, temperatures are climbing and sea levels are rising. And meanwhile, our planet must still supply us – and all living things – with air, water, food and safe places to live. If we don't act now, climate change will rapidly alter the lands and waters we all depend upon for survival, leaving our children and grandchildren with a very different world.

I thought was supposed to be the other way around energy supply and energy consumption is supposed to impact climate, anyway we don't have any climate change, temperatures have been flatlining for the last 18yrs.

That should be easy to answer. Show us where there has been a definitive climate change in the last century and we can then get to work on scrutinizing that area.


If it gets cold then bye bye