> If global warming is occurring, why have all the hotest temps ever recorded occurred many years ago?

If global warming is occurring, why have all the hotest temps ever recorded occurred many years ago?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
For example, the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth occurred in 1913 in the mohave desert.

There are many reasons:

One is that these are among the most extreme weather events in the world. That being the case, you need to have essentially the optimum conditions for them to occur, and the particular weather pattern that generates an event like that may occur only once every two or three hundred years.

Another reason is old temperature readings are less reliable than newer ones. The record you mention only recently displaced a record set in Al Aziziya, Libya of 136 F. The reason the previous record was removed was because an investigation showed that the temperature reported was almost certainly wrong.

Another reason is that to set an extreme record, the air has to be extremely dry. With each one degree celsius increase in temperature, the saturation vapor pressure of water increases by about 6%, so in a warmer, moister world, it's harder to set extreme high temperature records. However, it may be more likely to set record high low temperature records, but those are much less extensive.

Also, there are more aerosols in the atmosphere than there were a hundred years ago, so the sunlight reaching the surface has grown dimmer (global dimming).

And finally, there ARE new high temperature records being set. If accepted by the World Meteorological Organization (investigations typically take several years), a new high temperature record for Asia was set in Pakistan in 2010, of 128.3 F. Indeed, many countries set new national high temperature records in 2010, you can see a list here:


Death Valley is in the Mohave Desert,

Copying stuff you know nothing about can be a real b-tch, huh?

We're talking global, Dimwit. In which case the hottest recorded years are mostly within the last decade.

We're not all as stupid as you

Global warming is a trend in global average temperature, not weather at a single location.

Global warming isn't even being debated. It IS occurring. The cause is what's debated.

Left Wingers claim it's pollution and human impact.

Right Wingers claim it's a natural cycle (these do happen. You would have to look back at least 60,000-100,000 years to see -- Regarding Jupiter's gravitational effect on our environment.)

Quit asking questions like this ,you have scrambled the gal that does that's brain

WOW.....so does yesterday's record for Sydney also count : 45.8 degrees C????


Ha! Ha! You got the greenies squirming.

Ha! Ha! One fellow blamed it on chem trails. Obviously, this one doesn't realize the state the aeronautical industry was in at that time.

But now that you pointed it out to these corrupters of science they will have James Hansen change that. Just like he did with 1934.


your answer is chem-trails. their used to heat and cool environments. and can also be used as a weapon.

one point is not the planetary average.

For example, the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth occurred in 1913 in the mohave desert.