> Do you agree with this World Climate Report?

Do you agree with this World Climate Report?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

NO. readhttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009...

The earth has had cooling and warming periods which have altered many lands and land masses.

the Medieval Climate Optimum occurring from about the 10th century until about the 14th century AD, or rather 900 AD to 1300 or 1399 AD. Vikings took full advantage of this and settled in Greenland . their live stock grazed on the grass. No one really knows why the once lush Sahara Dessert is now an arid waste of sand. The volcanic eruptions in Siberia are believed to have caused massive extinctions of many species *http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/200...

The ability to provide grant $ to scientists willing to create data that will support "climate change" is one tool used by those seeking to collect massive amounts of $ from taxes levied on countries and manufacturers and individuals who do not purchase or use the so called environmentally sound products.

The Earth has had warm and cold periods massive volcanic activity different wind and ocean patterns and produced different atmospheric mixes. Some species evolve others go extinct. Trees extract Co2 and produce O2. The earth magnetic field protects the Earth from cosmic rays that would strip away the upper atmosphere. The poles have changed positions and are currently shifting. -* http://www.viewzone.com/poleshift.html

In short, we don't really know why the earth has warming and cold periods Or why the atmosphere has over the centuries had shifted in content and temperature. We have survived because we have changed, the earth to date has not imploded because it changes .

Just look at Gringo. Ha! Haaaaa! The usual inane disclaimer. Typical of Goebbels' disciples.

People like Gringo are hard core and nothing will change their minds. Rather than looking at the evidence, as a true rational scientist would do, they pointlessly shoot the messenger.

I agree with a lot of what they say and it sounds reasonable but I still will have to study their methods and eventual findings before I come to a conclusion.

Agreed Sage! Most alarmists will explain the most recent warming as a human-caused event when they don't even try and explain the higher temperature increase in the early 20th century when CO2 emissions were nothing compared to what they are now.

The report is primarily concerned with vegetation, not climate science or climatology.

"You get the message―warming and elevated CO2 are not combining to destroy the planet’s vegetation. Quite to the contrary, they may be a blessing!"

This is the first mention of CO2 and GW combining to destroy vegetation that I have seen. If certainly isn't coming from the scientists convinced of man made GW, so what is the point of linking to it here since it has no relevance to the current GW

I just love the 'Grant Grubbers' (Alarmists) on this board.......they claim to subscribe to the scientific method (which includes having a healthy skepticism), but God help anyone who disagrees with their AGW religious claims.


A very impressive name for a denialist blog.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


World Climate Report run by Heartland funded Patrick J Michaels, Robert C Balling and Robert E Davis?

What do you think?

Let's put it this way, suppose someone asked you: "Do you agree with this report of the history of World War II?" http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/holohoa...

Either climate change is caused by man, and it is too late to do anything about it, or climate change is not caused by man, and it is too late to do anything about it. Which do you believe?

Yes, gringo, just another denier conspiracy to discredit the conclusions contrary to your belief system.


more CO2 means more flora and fauna, duh