> Are there global warming denial bots?

Are there global warming denial bots?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
For a guy that decided to get off or cut-down onY!A a while back, you made progress in that direction...*cough-cough-spit-hairball*

Anyhow, if you can not refrain yourself from coming back and if these trolls are annoying you, as it seems like you like to be annoyed. =) You can email custumer care and tell them whom you suspect of having multiple accounts. Copy and paste the link to their profile and send to: y_answrs_team@yahoo.com

Hope this helps =D

I'm going to go with real person. I don't think this place is important enough for a bot (which I figure would have to be pretty complex to come up with even inane questions). And I don't see the purpose of a sock puppet here.

Beside, inane questions are just as good a place to provide an informative answer as a good question. If the question is so bad that there's not really a good topic to follow (like this one actually, sorry), then feel free to add on something interesting that's remotely related.

What I’ve noticed in the past few weeks and moths is that there are a small number of users with a large number of accounts. It’s more than just coincidence that in a short space of time a bunch of new users appear that all have the same grammatical style, mannerisms, sentence structure, etymology etc.

The way each person writes is like a fingerprint, there are things we subconsciously do when writing that set us apart from other people. It would be unusual for two people to have very similar styles but here on Answers we have three or four specific styles that are associated with about a dozen different accounts (some more active than others).

On the surface it may appear that there are a reasonable number of skeptics participating here, but the actual number of people is significantly less than the number of accounts.

This is further reinforced each time someone asks a question like “do you believe in global warming”. Of the non regular participants, the number of people who respond in the affirmative significantly outnumbers those responding in the negative. The ratio is probably between 3 to 1 and 5 to 1.

We see similar ratios in the number of stars that questions receive, the believers receiving substantially more than the non-believers. Again, the same ratios are present when we look at the number of fans that the believers and non-believers have. The regular participants on this section who accept global warming is happening typically have 3 to 5 times as many fans as those who reject the theory.

So, whichever metric you use, believers outperform the non-believers by an approximate factor of four to one – apart from in the number of accounts, which is the one area that can easily be manipulated.

"Never attribute to malice what can be sufficiently accounted for by stupidity"

There's not much reason for bots when there's a sufficiency of ideologically inspired idiots.

Like Dookie, I must agree with Gryph.

Pawns is a better word,

and funny how they also deny that the Fossil Fuel Industry wants them to 'spread the word'

Gryph=right on

The folks answering this question are making me nervous. You're not........Liberals.......are you??!!

The ad hominems are usually a strong indicator.

Real, I guess. As with evolution denialists, there is no limit to the banality.

No because a bot would be much smarter than these dodos

The number and profound inanity of the questions asked by a single participant in this forum over the past several weeks have prompted some to suggest that this person is not a real person, but a bot. Others think she/he/it is an alter ego of another user. What's your opinion: real person, bot, or sock puppet?